OS Setup

Once you have an SD Card with the Raspbian OS Image, you can setup the operating system as follows:

  1. Insert the card into your Raspberry Pi.
  2. Connect the following items:
    • video (HDMI)
    • network
    • USB keyboard (optional)
    • USB mouse (optional)
    • USB power cable
  3. Note: Current versions of Raspbian default to booting into a graphical desktop UI. You should probably change this to boot to the command line (CLI) instead, as this will leave more memory available to Nexus. You may also have to enable ssh in newer Raspbian images, as it is disabled by default.

    You can use raspi-config to set configuration options such as:

    a. Expand Filesystem - Resize partition to fill SD Card.
    b. Internationalisation Options - Change the settings for Locale, Timezone, and Keyboard:

    • i18n, locale to en_US.UTF-8,
    • Timezone to your local timezone
    • Keyboard to: Generic 104-key PC.
  4. Reboot to allow changes to take effect.

  5. If you are connected to a network, the Pi console displays the ip address of the machine. Make a note of this address so you can perform the following steps via ssh if you like. The default userId is pi, and password is raspberry.
    my-pc$ ssh pi@the-Pi-IP-address

    Update to latest OS packages:

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

    Update to latest firmware:

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo rpi-update

Next step: Nexus Setup