JGDMS Project 3.0-SNAPSHOT API Documentation

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abort() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.InboundRequest
Terminates this request, freeing all associated resources.
abort() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.OutboundRequest
Terminates this request, freeing all associated resources.
AbstractILFactory - Class in net.jini.jeri
An abstract implementation of InvocationLayerFactory that provides a convenient way for subclasses to create proxies and invocation dispatchers for remote objects.
AbstractILFactory() - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Constructs an AbstractILFactory instance with a null class loader.
AbstractILFactory(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Constructs an AbstractILFactory instance with the specified class loader.
addListenEndpoint(ServerEndpoint.ListenEndpoint) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.ServerEndpoint.ListenContext
Adds listenEndpoint to this ListenContext's collection of ListenEndpoint instances for the ServerEndpoint it was passed to, starts a listen operation on listenEndpoint if necessary, and returns the ListenCookie for an active listen operation on listenEndpoint.
AtomicILFactory - Class in net.jini.jeri
An atomic serialization implementation of an InvocationLayerFactory.
AtomicILFactory(MethodConstraints, Class, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.AtomicILFactory
Creates a AtomicILFactory with the specified server constraints, permission class, and class loader.
AtomicILFactory(MethodConstraints, Class) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.AtomicILFactory
Creates a AtomicILFactory with the specified server constraints, and proxy or service implementation class.
AtomicILFactory(MethodConstraints, Class, Class) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.AtomicILFactory
Creates a AtomicILFactory with the specified server constraints, permission class, and proxy or service implementation class.
AtomicILFactory(MethodConstraints, Class, Class, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.AtomicILFactory
Creates a AtomicILFactory with the specified server constraints, permission class, and proxy or service implementation class.
AtomicInvocationDispatcher - Class in net.jini.jeri
AtomicInvocationDispatcher(Collection, ServerCapabilities, MethodConstraints, Class, ClassLoader, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.AtomicInvocationDispatcher
AtomicInvocationHandler - Class in net.jini.jeri
AtomicInvocationHandler(AtomicInvocationHandler, MethodConstraints) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.AtomicInvocationHandler
AtomicInvocationHandler(AtomicSerial.GetArg) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.AtomicInvocationHandler
AtomicInvocationHandler(ObjectEndpoint, MethodConstraints, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.AtomicInvocationHandler


BASE64Encoder - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
This class implements a BASE64 Character encoder as specified in RFC1521.
BASE64Encoder() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.BASE64Encoder
BasicConnManagerFactory - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection
Creates ConnManager instances which delegate directly to ConnectionManager.
BasicConnManagerFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection.BasicConnManagerFactory
BasicExportTable - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
An ObjectTable front end for exporting remote objects with a ServerEndpoint as the producer of InboundRequests.
BasicExportTable() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.BasicExportTable
Creates a new instance.
BasicExportTable.Entry - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
Represents a remote object exported to this BasicExportTable.
BasicILFactory - Class in net.jini.jeri
A basic implementation of an InvocationLayerFactory.
BasicILFactory() - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Creates a BasicILFactory instance with no server constraints, no permission class, and a null class loader.
BasicILFactory(MethodConstraints, Class) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Creates a BasicILFactory with the specified server constraints, permission class, and a null class loader.
BasicILFactory(MethodConstraints, Class, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Creates a BasicILFactory with the specified server constraints, permission class, and class loader.
BasicILFactory(MethodConstraints, Class, Class) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Creates a BasicILFactory with the specified server constraints, permission class, and class loader.
BasicInvocationDispatcher - Class in net.jini.jeri
A basic implementation of the InvocationDispatcher interface, providing preinvocation access control for remote objects exported using BasicJeriExporter.
BasicInvocationDispatcher(Collection, ServerCapabilities, MethodConstraints, Class, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Creates an invocation dispatcher to receive incoming remote calls for the specified methods, for a server and transport with the specified capabilities, enforcing the specified constraints, performing preinvocation access control using the specified permission class (if any).
BasicInvocationHandler - Class in net.jini.jeri
A basic implementation of the InvocationHandler interface.
BasicInvocationHandler(ObjectEndpoint, MethodConstraints) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Creates a new BasicInvocationHandler with the specified ObjectEndpoint and server constraints.
BasicInvocationHandler(AtomicSerial.GetArg) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
BasicInvocationHandler(BasicInvocationHandler, MethodConstraints) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Creates a new BasicInvocationHandler with the specified client constraints and with the same ObjectEndpoint and server constraints as the given other BasicInvocationHandler.
BasicJeriExporter - Class in net.jini.jeri
An Exporter implementation for exporting a remote object to use Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI).
BasicJeriExporter(ServerEndpoint, InvocationLayerFactory) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter
Creates a new BasicJeriExporter with the given server endpoint and invocation layer factory.
BasicJeriExporter(ServerEndpoint, InvocationLayerFactory, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter
Creates a new BasicJeriExporter with the given server endpoint, invocation layer factory, enableDGC flag, and keepAlive flag.
BasicJeriExporter(ServerEndpoint, InvocationLayerFactory, boolean, boolean, Uuid) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter
Creates a new BasicJeriExporter with the given server endpoint, invocation layer factory, enableDGC flag, keepAlive flag, and object identifier.
BasicJeriTrustVerifier - Class in net.jini.jeri
Trust verifier for dynamic proxies and object endpoints used in Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI).
BasicJeriTrustVerifier() - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriTrustVerifier
Creates an instance.
BasicObjectEndpoint - Class in net.jini.jeri
References a remote object with an Endpoint for sending requests to the object and a Uuid to identify the object at that Endpoint.
BasicObjectEndpoint(Endpoint, Uuid, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.BasicObjectEndpoint
Creates a new BasicObjectEndpoint to reference a remote object at the specified Endpoint with the specified Uuid.
BasicServerConnManager - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection
Manages server-side connections by delegating directly to ServerConnectionManager.
BasicServerConnManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection.BasicServerConnManager
Creates new instance containing a ServerConnectionManager.
busy() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpServerConnection
Upcall indicating that connection is about to become busy.
bytesPerAtom() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.BASE64Encoder
this class encodes three bytes per atom.
bytesPerAtom() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Return the number of bytes per atom of encoding
bytesPerAtom() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.HexDumpEncoder
bytesPerLine() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.BASE64Encoder
this class encodes 57 bytes per line.
bytesPerLine() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Return the number of bytes that can be encoded per line
bytesPerLine() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.HexDumpEncoder


cancelTimeout(TimedConnection) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.ConnectionTimer
Attempts to cancel timeout for the given connection.
CharacterEncoder - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
This class defines the encoding half of character encoders.
CharacterEncoder() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
check(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.LocalHost
checkAccess(Remote, Method, InvocationConstraints, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Checks that the client has permission to invoke the specified method on the specified remote object.
checkClientPermission(Permission) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Checks that the client subject for the current remote call has the specified permission.
checkConstraints(InboundRequestHandle, InvocationConstraints) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.ServerConnection
Implements InboundRequest.checkConstraints for a request with the specified handle.
checkConstraints(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Verifies that this instance supports the transport layer aspects of all of the specified requirements (both in general and in the current security context), and returns the requirements that must be at least partially implemented by higher layers in order to fully satisfy all of the specified requirements.
checkConstraints(InvocationConstraints) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.InboundRequest
Verifies that this request satisfies the transport layer aspects of all of the specified requirements, and returns the requirements that must be at least partially implemented by higher layers in order to fully satisfy the specified requirements.
checkConstraints(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
checkConstraints(InvocationConstraints) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.ServerCapabilities
Verifies that this instance supports the transport layer aspects of all of the specified requirements (both in general and in the current security context), and returns the requirements that must be at least partially implemented by higher layers in order to fully satisfy all of the specified requirements.
checkConstraints(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Checks that it is possible to receive requests that either fully or partially satisfy the specified requirements, and returns any constraints that must be fully or partially implemented by higher layers in order to fully satisfy all of the specified requirements.
checkConstraints(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
checkConstraints(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Checks that it is possible to receive requests that either fully or partially satisfy the specified requirements, and returns any constraints that must be fully or partially implemented by higher layers in order to fully satisfy all of the specified requirements.
checkConstraints(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Verifies that this instance supports the transport layer aspects of all of the specified requirements (both in general and in the current security context), and returns the requirements that must be at least partially implemented by higher layers in order to fully satisfy all of the specified requirements.
checkConstraints(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpServerConnection
Checks that the specified requirements are either fully or partially satisfied by the constraints actually in force for this connection, and returns any constraints that must be fully or partially implemented by higher layers in order to fully satisfy all of the specified requirements.
checkConstraints(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxServer
Checks that the specified requirements are either fully or partially satisfied by the constraints actually in force for this connection, and returns any constraints that must be fully or partially implemented by higher layers in order to fully satisfy all of the specified requirements.
checkInvocationHandlerContent(BasicInvocationHandler, TrustVerifier.Context) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriTrustVerifier
Returns true if the specified invocation handler's constraints and object endpoint are trusted; returns false otherwise.
checkPackageAccess(Class) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Check for permission to access the package of the specified class.
checkPermissionClass(Class) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Checks that the specified class is a valid permission class for use in preinvocation access control.
checkPermissions(InboundRequestHandle) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.ServerConnection
Implements InboundRequest.checkPermissions for a request with the specified handle.
checkPermissions() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.InboundRequest
Verifies that the current security context has all of the security permissions necessary to receive this request.
checkPermissions() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.ServerEndpoint.ListenEndpoint
Verifies that the current security context has all of the security permissions necessary to listen for requests on this ListenEndpoint.
checkPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpServerConnection
Verifies that calling context has sufficient security permissions to receive a request on this connection.
checkPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxServer
Verifies that the calling context has all of the security permissions necessary to receive a request on this connection.
checkProxyRemoteMethod(Class, Method) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Throws IllegalArgumentException if any superinterface of c declares a method with the same name and parameter types as m that does not declare RemoteException or a superclass in its throws clause, or if any superinterface of c has its name in prohibitedProxyInterfaces.
checkTrustEquivalence(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Returns true if the specified object (which is not yet known to be trusted) is equivalent in trust, content, and function to this known trusted object, and false otherwise.
checkTrustEquivalence(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicObjectEndpoint
Returns true if the specified object (which is not yet known to be trusted) is equivalent in trust, content, and function to this known trusted object, and false otherwise.
checkTrustEquivalence(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpEndpoint
Returns true if the specified object (which is not yet known to be trusted) is equivalent in trust, content, and function to this known trusted object, and false otherwise.
checkTrustEquivalence(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint
Returns true if the argument is an instance of KerberosEndpoint with the same values for server principal, server host, and port; and either both this instance and the argument have null socket factories, or the factories have the same actual class and are equal; and returns false otherwise.
checkTrustEquivalence(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint
Returns true if the argument is an instance of HttpsEndpoint with the same values for server host and port; and either both this instance and the argument have null socket factories, or the factories have the same actual class and are equal; and returns false otherwise.
checkTrustEquivalence(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
Returns true if the argument is an instance of SslEndpoint with the same values for server host and port; and either both this instance and the argument have null socket factories, or the factories have the same actual class and are equal; and returns false otherwise.
checkTrustEquivalence(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpEndpoint
Returns true if the specified object (which is not yet known to be trusted) is equivalent in trust, content, and function to this known trusted object, and false otherwise.
checkTrustEquivalence(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Returns true either if both arguments are null of if "subject" is an instance of TrustEquivalence and an invocation of TrustEquivalence.checkTrustEquivalence on "subject" with "object" as the argument returns true; returns false otherwise.
clearServerInfo() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpClientManager
Forgets all cached information about contacted HTTP servers.
clearStackTraces(Throwable) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Clear the stack trace of the given exception by replacing it with an empty StackTraceElement array, and do the same for all of its chained causative exceptions.
close() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.Connection
Closes this connection.
close() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.ServerConnection
Closes this connection.
close() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.ServerEndpoint.ListenHandle
Stops listening for requests on the associated ListenEndpoint.
ConfidentialityStrength - Class in net.jini.jeri.ssl
Represents a constraint that, if confidentiality of message contents is ensured, the specified strength of confidentiality be used.
ConfidentialityStrength(AtomicSerial.GetArg) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.ssl.ConfidentialityStrength
connect(OutboundRequestHandle) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.ConnectionEndpoint
Returns a new connection that can be used to send a request for the specified handle.
connect(OutboundRequestHandle, Collection, Collection) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.ConnectionEndpoint
Returns an existing or new connection that can be used to send a request for the specified handle, or null if a new connection needs to be created in a way that requires synchronous I/O.
Connection - Interface in net.jini.jeri.connection
Represents an established client-side connection.
ConnectionEndpoint - Interface in net.jini.jeri.connection
Represents a remote communication endpoint to establish connections to.
ConnectionManager - Class in net.jini.jeri.connection
Provides client-side connection management using the Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI) multiplexing protocol to frame and multiplex requests and responses over connections.
ConnectionManager(ConnectionEndpoint) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.connection.ConnectionManager
Creates a new ConnectionManager that manages client-side connections to the specified connection endpoint.
ConnectionTimer - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http
Utility class for timing out connections.
ConnectionTimer(long) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.ConnectionTimer
Creates new ConnectionTimer which shuts down overdue connections after the given timeout.
ConnManager - Interface in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection
Defines interface for internal pluggable counterparts of ConnectionManager.
ConnManagerFactory - Interface in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection
Defines interface for creating ConnManager instances.
create(ConnectionEndpoint) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection.BasicConnManagerFactory
Returns ConnManager containing a ConnectionManager constructed with the given ConnectionEndpoint; the newRequest method of the returned ConnManager delegates directly to the corresponding method of the contained ConnectionManager.
create(ConnectionEndpoint) - Method in interface org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection.ConnManagerFactory
Creates ConnManager for managing connections initiated over the given ConnectionEndpoint.
createInstances(Remote, ObjectEndpoint, ServerCapabilities) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Returns a compatible proxy and invocation dispatcher for a remote object being exported.
createInstances(Remote, ObjectEndpoint, ServerCapabilities) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.InvocationLayerFactory
Returns a compatible proxy and invocation dispatcher for a remote object being exported.
createInvocationDispatcher(Collection, Remote, ServerCapabilities) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Returns an invocation dispatcher to receive incoming remote calls for the specified methods to the specified remote object, for a server and transport with the specified capabilities.
createInvocationDispatcher(Collection, Remote, ServerCapabilities) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AtomicILFactory
Returns an invocation dispatcher to receive incoming remote calls for the specified methods to the specified remote object, for a server and transport with the specified capabilities.
createInvocationDispatcher(Collection, Remote, ServerCapabilities) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Returns an invocation dispatcher to receive incoming remote calls for the specified methods to the specified remote object, for a server and transport with the specified capabilities.
createInvocationHandler(Class[], Remote, ObjectEndpoint) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Returns an invocation handler to use with a Proxy instance implementing the specified interfaces, communicating with the specified remote object using the specified object endpoint.
createInvocationHandler(Class[], Remote, ObjectEndpoint) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AtomicILFactory
Returns an invocation handler to use with a Proxy instance implementing the specified interfaces, communicating with the specified remote object using the specified object endpoint.
createInvocationHandler(Class[], Remote, ObjectEndpoint) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Returns an invocation handler to use with a Proxy instance implementing the specified interfaces, communicating with the specified remote object using the specified object endpoint.
createMarshalInputStream(Object, InboundRequest, boolean, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AtomicInvocationDispatcher
Returns a new marshal input stream to use to read objects from the request input stream obtained by invoking the getRequestInputStream method on the given request.
createMarshalInputStream(Object, Method, OutboundRequest, boolean, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AtomicInvocationHandler
Returns a new ObjectInputStream instance to use to read objects from the response input stream obtained by invoking the getResponseInputStream method on the given request.
createMarshalInputStream(Object, InboundRequest, boolean, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Returns a new marshal input stream to use to read objects from the request input stream obtained by invoking the getRequestInputStream method on the given request.
createMarshalInputStream(Object, Method, OutboundRequest, boolean, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Returns a new ObjectInputStream instance to use to read objects from the response input stream obtained by invoking the getResponseInputStream method on the given request.
createMarshalOutputStream(Object, Method, InboundRequest, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AtomicInvocationDispatcher
Returns a new marshal output stream to use to write objects to the response output stream obtained by invoking the getResponseOutputStream method on the given request.
createMarshalOutputStream(Object, Method, OutboundRequest, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AtomicInvocationHandler
Returns a new ObjectOutputStream instance to use to write objects to the request output stream obtained by invoking the getRequestOutputStream method on the given request.
createMarshalOutputStream(Object, Method, InboundRequest, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Returns a new marshal output stream to use to write objects to the response output stream obtained by invoking the getResponseOutputStream method on the given request.
createMarshalOutputStream(Object, Method, OutboundRequest, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Returns a new ObjectOutputStream instance to use to write objects to the request output stream obtained by invoking the getRequestOutputStream method on the given request.
createSocket(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpClientSocketFactory
Creates client socket connected to the given host and port.
createTunnelSocket(Socket) - Method in interface org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpClientSocketFactory
Creates layered socket on top of given base socket, for use when tunneling HTTP messages through a proxy.


DgcClient - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
Jeri ERI client-side DGC implementation.
DgcClient() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.DgcClient
DgcRequestDispatcher - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
disableSocketConnect(Endpoint) - Method in interface org.apache.river.jeri.internal.EndpointInternals
Causes the given endpoint not to connect sockets it obtains from its socket factory.
dispatch(Remote, InboundRequest, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Dispatches the specified inbound request to the specified remote object.
dispatch(Remote, InboundRequest, Collection) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.InvocationDispatcher
Dispatches the invocation represented by an InboundRequest to the specified remote object.
dispatch(InboundRequest) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.RequestDispatcher
Processes an inbound request.
dispatch(InboundRequest) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.DgcRequestDispatcher


encode(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Encode bytes from the input stream, and write them as text characters to the output stream.
encode(byte[], OutputStream) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Encode the buffer in aBuffer and write the encoded result to the OutputStream aStream.
encode(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
A 'streamless' version of encode that simply takes a buffer of bytes and returns a string containing the encoded buffer.
encodeAtom(OutputStream, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.BASE64Encoder
encodeAtom - Take three bytes of input and encode it as 4 printable characters.
encodeAtom(OutputStream, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Encode one "atom" of information into characters.
encodeAtom(OutputStream, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.HexDumpEncoder
encodeBuffer(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Encode bytes from the input stream, and write them as text characters to the output stream.
encodeBuffer(byte[], OutputStream) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Encode the buffer in aBuffer and write the encoded result to the OutputStream aStream.
encodeBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
A 'streamless' version of encode that simply takes a buffer of bytes and returns a string containing the encoded buffer.
encodeBufferPrefix(OutputStream) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Encode the prefix for the entire buffer.
encodeBufferPrefix(OutputStream) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.HexDumpEncoder
encodeBufferSuffix(OutputStream) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Encode the suffix for the entire buffer.
encodeLinePrefix(OutputStream, int) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Encode the prefix that starts every output line.
encodeLinePrefix(OutputStream, int) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.HexDumpEncoder
encodeLineSuffix(OutputStream) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Encode the suffix that ends every output line.
encodeLineSuffix(OutputStream) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.HexDumpEncoder
Endpoint - Interface in net.jini.jeri
Represents a remote communication endpoint to send requests to.
EndpointInternals - Interface in org.apache.river.jeri.internal
Provides back-door interface used by EndpointDiscoveryClient and EndpointDiscoveryServer for performing non-public endpoint operations.
EndpointInternalsPermission - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal
Permission required in order to set the EndpointInternals instances stored by the SslEndpointInternals and KerberosEndpointInternals holder classes.
EndpointInternalsPermission(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.EndpointInternalsPermission
Creates new instance.
enumerateListenEndpoints(ServerEndpoint.ListenContext) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Passes the ListenEndpoint for this HttpServerEndpoint to listenContext, which will ensure an active listen operation on the endpoint, and returns an HttpEndpoint instance corresponding to the listen operation chosen by listenContext.
enumerateListenEndpoints(ServerEndpoint.ListenContext) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Passes the ListenEndpoint for this KerberosServerEndpoint to listenContext, which will ensure an active listen operation on the endpoint, and returns a KerberosEndpoint instance corresponding to the listen operation chosen by listenContext.
enumerateListenEndpoints(ServerEndpoint.ListenContext) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.ServerEndpoint
Enumerates the communication endpoints represented by this ServerEndpoint by passing the ListenEndpoint for each of them to listenContext, which will ensure an active listen operation on each endpoint, and returns an Endpoint instance corresponding to the listen operations chosen by listenContext.
enumerateListenEndpoints(ServerEndpoint.ListenContext) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Passes the ListenEndpoint for this HttpsServerEndpoint to listenContext, which will ensure an active listen operation on the endpoint, and returns an HttpsEndpoint instance corresponding to the listen operation chosen by listenContext.
enumerateListenEndpoints(ServerEndpoint.ListenContext) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Passes the ListenEndpoint for this SslServerEndpoint to listenContext, which will ensure an active listen operation on the endpoint, and returns an SslEndpoint instance corresponding to the listen operation chosen by listenContext.
enumerateListenEndpoints(ServerEndpoint.ListenContext) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Passes the ListenEndpoint for this TcpServerEndpoint to listenContext, which will ensure an active listen operation on the endpoint, and returns a TcpEndpoint instance corresponding to the listen operation chosen by listenContext.
equalInterfaces(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Returns true if the interfaces implemented by obj1's class are the same (and in the same order) as obj2's class.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Compares the specified object with this invocation layer factory for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AtomicILFactory
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AtomicInvocationHandler
Unlike BasicInvocationHandler, AtomicInvocationHandler doesn't consider client constraints in equals comparisons, only the object endpoint and server constraints.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Compares the specified object with this invocation layer factory for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Compares the specified object with this BasicInvocationHandler for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicObjectEndpoint
Compares the specified object with this BasicObjectEndpoint for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpEndpoint
Compares the specified object with this HttpEndpoint for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Compares the specified object with this HttpServerEndpoint for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint
Two instances of this class are equal if they contain the same server principal, host, and port, and their socket factories are both null or have the same actual class and are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Two instances of this class are equal if they have server subjects that compare equal using ==; have the same server principal; have the same values for server host and port; have socket factories that are either both null, or have the same actual class and are equal; and have server socket factories that are either both null, or have the same actual class and are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint
Two instances of this class are equal if they have the same values for server host and port; and have socket factories that are either both null, or have the same actual class and are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Two instances of this class are equal if they have server subjects that compare equal using ==; have server principals that are either both null or are equal when compared as the elements of a Set; have the same values for server host and port; have socket factories that are either both null, or have the same actual class and are equal; and have server socket factories that are either both null, or have the same actual class and are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
Two instances of this class are equal if they have the same values for server host and port; and have socket factories that are either both null, or have the same actual class and are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Two instances of this class are equal if they have server subjects that compare equal using ==; have server principals that are either both null or are equal when compared as the elements of a Set; have the same values for server host and port; have socket factories that are either both null, or have the same actual class and are equal; and have server socket factories that are either both null, or have the same actual class and are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpEndpoint
Compares the specified object with this TcpEndpoint for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Compares the specified object with this TcpServerEndpoint for equality.
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Returns true either if both arguments are null or if an invocation of Object.equals on "subject" with "object" as the argument returns true; returns false otherwise;
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.WeakKey
Returns true if the given object is this identical WeakKey instance, or, if this object's referent has not been cleared, if the given object is another WeakKey instance with the identical non-null referent as this one.
exceptionReceivedFromServer(Throwable) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Appends the current thread's stack trace to the stack trace of the given exception.
executeCall(OutboundRequest) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicObjectEndpoint
Synchronously executes a remote call in progress to the identified remote object, so that the response can be read.
executeCall(OutboundRequest) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.ObjectEndpoint
Synchronously executes a remote call in progress to the identified remote object, so that the response can be read.
export(Remote) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter
Exports the specified remote object and returns a proxy for the remote object.
export(Remote, ServerEndpoint, boolean, boolean, Uuid) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.BasicExportTable
Exports a remote object to this BasicExportTable.


freeEndpoint(Endpoint) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.DgcClient


get() - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.HttpsEndpointInternalsAccess
Returns registered EndpointInternals instance.
get() - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.KerberosEndpointInternalsAccess
Returns registered EndpointInternals instance.
get() - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.SslEndpointInternalsAccess
Returns registered EndpointInternals instance.
getChannel() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.Connection
Returns a socket channel that performs I/O on this connection, or null if no socket channel is available.
getChannel() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.ServerConnection
Returns a socket channel that performs I/O on this connection, or null if no socket channel is available.
getClassLoader() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Returns the class loader specified during construction.
getClassLoader() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Returns the class loader specified during construction.
getClientConstraints() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Returns this BasicInvocationHandler's client constraints.
getClientHost() - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
getClientHostString() - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
getClientSubject() - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpSettings
Returns org.apache.river.jeri.http[s].idleConnectionTimeout system property value if set; otherwise returns 15000.
getCookie() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.ServerEndpoint.ListenHandle
Returns a ListenCookie to identify the listen operation as the return value of the ListenContext.addListenEndpoint method.
getDeliveryStatus() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.OutboundRequest
Returns false if it is guaranteed that no data written for this request has been processed by the recipient.
getDgcProxy(Endpoint) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.DgcClient
getDisableProxyPersistentConnections() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpSettings
Returns org.apache.river.jeri.http.disableProxyPersistentConnections system property as boolean value if set and not ssl; otherwise returns false.
getEnableDGC() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter
Returns true if DGC is enabled on the server endpoint to the object corresponding to this exporter; otherwise returns false.
getEnableDGC() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicObjectEndpoint
Returns true if this BasicObjectEndpoint participates in DGC and false otherwise.
getEndpoint() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicObjectEndpoint
Returns the Endpoint for the referenced remote object.
getEndpoint() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.BasicExportTable.Entry
Returns the client-side Endpoint to use to communicate with the exported object.
getExtraProxyInterfaces(Remote) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Returns a new array containing any additional interfaces that the proxy should implement, beyond the interfaces obtained by passing impl to the getRemoteInterfaces method.
getExtraProxyInterfaces(Remote) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Returns a new array containing any additional interfaces that the proxy should implement, beyond the interfaces obtained by passing impl to the getRemoteInterfaces method.
getHost() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpEndpoint
Returns the host that this HttpEndpoint connects to.
getHost() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Returns the host name that will be used in HttpEndpoint instances produced by listening on this HttpServerEndpoint, or null if the IP address string obtained from InetAddress.getLocalHost will be used.
getHost() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint
Returns the server host that this endpoint connects to.
getHost() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns the host name that will be used in KerberosEndpoint instances created by listening on this object.
getHost() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint
Returns the server host that this endpoint connects to.
getHost() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns the host name that will be used in HttpsEndpoint instances created by listening on this object, or null if enumerateListenEndpoints will use the default server host.
getHost() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
Returns the server host that this endpoint connects to.
getHost() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns the host name that will be used in SslEndpoint instances created by listening on this object, or null if enumerateListenEndpoints will use the default server host.
getHost() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpEndpoint
Returns the host that this TcpEndpoint connects to.
getHost() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Returns the host name that will be used in TcpEndpoint instances produced by listening on this TcpServerEndpoint, or null if the IP address string obtained from InetAddress.getLocalHost will be used.
getHttpSettings(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpSettings
Returns an HttpSettings instance which can be used to query values of HTTP-related (if ssl is false) or HTTPS-related (if ssl is true) system properties.
getInputStream() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.Connection
Returns an input stream that reads data from this connection.
getInputStream() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.ServerConnection
Returns an input stream that reads data from this connection.
getInstance(String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpEndpoint
Returns an HttpEndpoint instance for the given host name and TCP port number.
getInstance(String, int, SocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpEndpoint
Returns an HttpEndpoint instance for the given host name and TCP port number that contains the given SocketFactory.
getInstance(int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Returns an HttpServerEndpoint instance for the given TCP port number.
getInstance(String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Returns an HttpServerEndpoint instance for the given host name and TCP port number.
getInstance(String, int, SocketFactory, ServerSocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Returns an HttpServerEndpoint instance for the given host name and TCP port number that contains the given SocketFactory and ServerSocketFactory.
getInstance(String, int, KerberosPrincipal) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint
Returns a KerberosEndpoint instance for the given server host name, TCP port number, and server principal.
getInstance(String, int, KerberosPrincipal, SocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint
Returns a KerberosEndpoint instance for the given server host name, TCP port number, server principal, and SocketFactory.
getInstance(int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns a KerberosServerEndpoint instance with the specified port, using the default server subject, server principal, and server host.
getInstance(String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns a KerberosServerEndpoint instance with the specified server host and port, using the default server subject and server principal.
getInstance(String, int, SocketFactory, ServerSocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns a KerberosServerEndpoint instance with the specified server host, port, and socket factories, using the default server subject and server principal.
getInstance(Subject, KerberosPrincipal, String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns a KerberosServerEndpoint instance with the specified server subject, server principal, server host, and port.
getInstance(Subject, KerberosPrincipal, String, int, SocketFactory, ServerSocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns a KerberosServerEndpoint instance with the specified server subject, server principal, server host, port, and socket factories.
getInstance(String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint
Returns an HTTPS endpoint for the specified server host and port.
getInstance(String, int, SocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint
Returns an HTTPS endpoint for the specified server host, port, and socket factory.
getInstance(int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns an HTTPS server endpoint for the specified port.
getInstance(String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns an HTTPS server endpoint for the specified server host and port.
getInstance(String, int, SocketFactory, ServerSocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns an HTTPS server endpoint for the specified server host, port, and socket factories.
getInstance(Subject, X500Principal[], String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns an HTTPS server endpoint for the specified server subject, server principals, server host, and port.
getInstance(Subject, X500Principal[], String, int, SocketFactory, ServerSocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns an HTTPS server endpoint for the specified server subject, server principals, server host, port, and socket factories.
getInstance(String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
Returns a TLS/SSL endpoint for the specified server host and port.
getInstance(String, int, SocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
Returns a TLS/SSL endpoint for the specified server host, port, and socket factory.
getInstance(int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns a TLS/SSL server endpoint for the specified port.
getInstance(String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns a TLS/SSL server endpoint for the specified server host and port.
getInstance(String, int, SocketFactory, ServerSocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns a TLS/SSL server endpoint for the specified server host, port, and socket factories.
getInstance(Subject, X500Principal[], String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns a TLS/SSL server endpoint for the specified server subject, server principals, server host, and port.
getInstance(Subject, X500Principal[], String, int, SocketFactory, ServerSocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns a TLS/SSL server endpoint for the specified server subject, server principals, server host, port, and socket factories.
getInstance(String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpEndpoint
Returns a TcpEndpoint instance for the given host name and TCP port number.
getInstance(String, int, SocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpEndpoint
Returns a TcpEndpoint instance for the given host name and TCP port number that contains the given SocketFactory.
getInstance(int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Returns a TcpServerEndpoint instance for the given TCP port number.
getInstance(String, int) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Returns a TcpServerEndpoint instance for the given host name and TCP port number.
getInstance(String, int, SocketFactory, ServerSocketFactory) - Static method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Returns a TcpServerEndpoint instance for the given host name and TCP port number that contains the given SocketFactory and ServerSocketFactory.
getInvocationDispatcher() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.InvocationLayerFactory.Instances
Returns the invocation dispatcher.
getInvocationDispatcherMethods(Remote) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Returns a new, modifiable collection of Method objects, containing all remote methods for which the invocation dispatcher should accept incoming remote calls.
getInvocationLayerFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter
Returns the InvocationLayerFactory for this exporter.
getKeepAlive() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter
Returns true if the virtual machine is kept alive while the object corresponding to this exporter is exported; otherwise returns false.
getMethodHash(Method) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Returns the method hash for the method m.
getMethodNameAndDescriptor(Method) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Returns a string consisting of the given method's name followed by its "method descriptor", as appropriate for use in the computation of the "method hash".
getObjectEndpoint() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Returns this BasicInvocationHandler's ObjectEndpoint.
getObjectIdentifier() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter
Returns the object identifier for this exporter.
getObjectIdentifier() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicObjectEndpoint
Returns the object identifier for the referenced remote object.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.Connection
Returns an output stream that writes data to this connection.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.ServerConnection
Returns an output stream that writes data to this connection.
getPermissionClass() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Returns the permission class, if any.
getPingProxyConnections() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpSettings
Returns org.apache.river.jeri.http.pingProxyConnections system property as boolean value if set; otherwise returns false.
getPingProxyConnectionTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpSettings
Returns org.apache.river.jeri.http.pingProxyConnectionTimeout system property as long value if set; otherwise returns Long.MAX_VALUE (essentially, never timeout).
getPort() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpEndpoint
Returns the TCP port that this HttpEndpoint connects to.
getPort() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Returns the TCP port that this HttpServerEndpoint listens on.
getPort() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint
Returns the TCP port that this endpoint connects to.
getPort() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns the TCP port that the ListenEndpoints created by this server endpoint listen on.
getPort() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint
Returns the TCP port that this endpoint connects to.
getPort() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns the TCP port on which this object listens for connections, or 0 if it selects a free port.
getPort() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
Returns the TCP port that this endpoint connects to.
getPort() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns the TCP port on which this object listens for connections, or 0 if it selects a free port.
getPort() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpEndpoint
Returns the TCP port that this TcpEndpoint connects to.
getPort() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Returns the TCP port that this TcpServerEndpoint listens on.
getPrincipal() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint
Returns the principal this endpoint requires the server to authenticate as.
getPrincipal() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns the principal that this server endpoint will authenticate itself as.
getPrincipals() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns an immutable set of the principals that this instance uses for authentication, or null if it is anonymous.
getPrincipals() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns an immutable set of the principals that this instance uses for authentication, or null if it is anonymous.
getProxy() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.InvocationLayerFactory.Instances
Returns the proxy.
getProxyHost(String) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpSettings
Returns proxy host if given host should be proxied through it, else empty string.
getProxyInterfaces(Remote) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Returns a new array containing the interfaces for the proxy to implement.
getProxyPort() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpSettings
Returns http[s].proxyPort system property value if set; else if not ssl returns proxyPort system property value if set; else returns 443 (if ssl) or 80 (if not ssl).
getRefEndpoint(ObjectEndpoint) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.DgcClient
getRefObjectID(ObjectEndpoint) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.DgcClient
getRemoteInterfaces(Remote) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Returns a new array containing the remote interfaces that should be implemented by the proxy.
getRemoteInterfaces(Remote) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ProxyTrustILFactory
Returns a new array containing the remote interfaces that should be implemented by the proxy.
getRemoteInterfaces(Class) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Returns an array containing the remote interfaces implemented by the given class.
getRequestInputStream() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.InboundRequest
Returns an InputStream to read the request data from.
getRequestOutputStream() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.OutboundRequest
Returns an OutputStream to write the request data to.
getResponseAckTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpSettings
Returns org.apache.river.jeri.http[s].responseAckTimeout system property value if set; otherwise returns 15000.
getResponseInputStream() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.OutboundRequest
Returns an InputStream to read the response data from.
getResponseOutputStream() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.InboundRequest
Returns an OutputStream to write the response data to.
getServerConnectionTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpSettings
Returns org.apache.river.jeri.http[s].idleServerConnectionTimeout system property value if set; otherwise returns getConnectionTimeout() plus 30000 (if ssl) or 10000 (if not ssl).
getServerConstraints() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Returns the server constraints, if any.
getServerConstraints() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Returns this BasicInvocationHandler's server constraints.
getServerEndpoint() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter
Returns the server endpoint for this exporter.
getServerSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Returns the ServerSocketFactory that this endpoint uses to create ServerSocket objects.
getServerSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns the server socket factory that this server endpoint uses to create ServerSocket instances, or null if it uses default server sockets.
getServerSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns the server socket factory that this server endpoint uses to create ServerSocket instances, or null if it uses default server sockets.
getServerSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns the server socket factory that this server endpoint uses to create ServerSocket instances, or null if it uses default server sockets.
getServerSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Returns the ServerSocketFactory that this endpoint uses to create ServerSocket objects.
getSocket() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpClientConnection
Returns socket over which requests are sent.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpEndpoint
Returns the SocketFactory that this endpoint uses to create Socket objects.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Returns the SocketFactory that HttpEndpoint objects produced by listening on this HttpServerEndpoint will use to create Socket objects.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint
Returns the SocketFactory that this endpoint uses to create Socket objects.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns the socket factory that the associated KerberosEndpoint instances, which are created by listening on the ListenEndpoint instances of this server endpoint, use to create Socket instances, or null if they use default sockets.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint
Returns the socket factory that this endpoint uses to create Socket instances, or null if it uses default sockets.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns the socket factory that the associated HttpsEndpoint instances created by listening on this server endpoint use to create Socket instances, or null if they use default sockets.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
Returns the socket factory that this endpoint uses to create Socket instances, or null if it uses default sockets.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns the socket factory that the associated SslEndpoint instances created by listening on this server endpoint use to create Socket instances, or null if they use default sockets.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpEndpoint
Returns the SocketFactory that this endpoint uses to create Socket objects.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Returns the SocketFactory that TcpEndpoint objects produced by listening on this TcpServerEndpoint will use to create Socket objects.
getUnfulfilledConstraints(OutboundRequestHandle) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.Connection
Implements OutboundRequest.getUnfulfilledConstraints for a request with the specified handle.
getUnfulfilledConstraints() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.OutboundRequest
Returns the requirements that must be at least partially implemented by higher layers in order to fully satisfy the requirements for this request.
getUnfulfilledConstraints(OutboundRequestHandle) - Method in interface org.apache.river.jeri.internal.EndpointInternals
Returns any constraints that must be partially or fully implemented by higher layers for the outbound request represented by the given handle.
getUnqualifiedName(Class) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Returns the binary name of the given type without package qualification.


handleConnection(ServerConnection, RequestDispatcher) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.connection.ServerConnectionManager
Starts handling requests received on the specified newly accepted connection, dispatching them to the specified request dispatcher asynchronously, and returns immediately.
handleConnection(ServerConnection, RequestDispatcher) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection.BasicServerConnManager
Delegates to the handleConnection method of the contained ServerConnectionManager.
handleConnection(ServerConnection, RequestDispatcher) - Method in interface org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection.ServerConnManager
Enqueues a newly accepted server-side connection for asynchronous processing of inbound requests using the specified request dispatcher, and then returns immediately.
handleSelection(int, SelectionManager.Key) - Method in interface org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.SelectionManager.SelectionHandler
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Returns a hash code value for this factory.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AtomicILFactory
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AtomicInvocationHandler
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Returns a hash code value for this factory.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Returns the hash code value for this invocation handler.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicObjectEndpoint
Returns the hash code value for this BasicObjectEndpoint.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpEndpoint
Returns the hash code value for this HttpEndpoint.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Returns the hash code value for this HttpServerEndpoint.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpEndpoint
Returns the hash code value for this TcpEndpoint.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Returns the hash code value for this TcpServerEndpoint.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.WeakKey
Returns the identity hash code of the original referent.
hasNext() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.OutboundRequestIterator
Returns true if this iterator supports making at least one more attempt to communicate the request, and false otherwise.
hasTrustedClassLoader(Object, TrustVerifier.Context) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriTrustVerifier
Returns true if the class loader of the specified dynamic proxy's class is trusted by this verifier; returns false otherwise.
hasTrustedProxyClass(Object, TrustVerifier.Context) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriTrustVerifier
Returns true if the specified dynamic proxy's class is trusted by this verifier; returns false otherwise.
HexDumpEncoder - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
This class encodes a buffer into the classic: "Hexadecimal Dump" format of the past.
HexDumpEncoder() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.HexDumpEncoder
HttpClientConnection - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http
Class representing a client-side HTTP connection used to send HTTP requests.
HttpClientConnection(String, int, HttpClientSocketFactory, HttpClientManager) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpClientConnection
Creates HttpClientConnection which sends requests directly to given host/port through a socket obtained from the given socket factory.
HttpClientConnection(String, int, String, int, boolean, boolean, HttpClientSocketFactory, HttpClientManager) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpClientConnection
Creates HttpClientConnection which sends requests to given target host/port through the indicated HTTP proxy over a socket provided by the specified socket factory.
HttpClientManager - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http
Class for managing client-side functions shared among multiple connections (e.g., tracking of unsent response acknowledgments, caching of information about contacted HTTP servers).
HttpClientManager(long) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpClientManager
Creates new HttpClientManager which expires unsent acknowledgments after the specified timeout.
HttpClientSocketFactory - Interface in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http
Abstraction for objects which provide/configure sockets used by HttpClientConnection instances.
HttpEndpoint - Class in net.jini.jeri.http
An implementation of the Endpoint abstraction that uses HTTP messages sent over TCP sockets (instances of Socket) for the underlying communication mechanism.
HttpEndpoint(AtomicSerial.GetArg) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpEndpoint
AtomicSerial constructor.
HttpParseException - Exception in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http
Exception indicating failure to parse an HTTP message.
HttpParseException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpParseException
Creates new HttpParseException with no error message.
HttpParseException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpParseException
Creates new HttpParseException with the given error message.
HttpsEndpoint - Class in net.jini.jeri.ssl
An implementation of Endpoint that uses HTTPS (HTTP over TLS/SSL) to support invocation constraints for communication through firewalls.
HttpsEndpoint(AtomicSerial.GetArg) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint
HttpsEndpointInternalsAccess - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal
Provides a rendezvous point for the net.jini.jeri.https transport provider to register an EndpointInternals instance used by provider classes for the net.jini.discovery.https unicast discovery format.
HttpServerConnection - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http
Class representing a server-side HTTP connection used to receive and dispatch incoming HTTP requests.
HttpServerConnection(Socket, RequestDispatcher, HttpServerManager) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpServerConnection
Creates new HttpServerConnection on top of given socket.
HttpServerEndpoint - Class in net.jini.jeri.http
An implementation of the ServerEndpoint abstraction that uses HTTP messages sent over TCP sockets (instances of ServerSocket) for the underlying communication mechanism.
HttpServerManager - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http
Class for managing server-side functions shared among multiple connections, such as acknowledgment notification.
HttpServerManager(long) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpServerManager
Creates new HttpServerManager which invalidates transport acknowledgments after the given timeout.
HttpSettings - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http
Utility class for querying HTTP/HTTPS-related system properties.
HttpsServerEndpoint - Class in net.jini.jeri.ssl
An implementation of ServerEndpoint that uses HTTPS (HTTP over TLS/SSL) to support invocation constraints for communication through firewalls.


idle() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpClientConnection
Upcall indicating that connection has become idle.
idle() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpServerConnection
Upcall indicating that connection has become idle.
InboundRequest - Interface in net.jini.jeri
Represents a request that is being received and the corresponding response to be sent in reply.
InboundRequestHandle - Interface in net.jini.jeri.connection
Associates information with a request that is being received on a ServerConnection.
Instances(Remote, InvocationDispatcher) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.InvocationLayerFactory.Instances
Creates a container for a proxy instance and an invocation dispatcher instance.
InvocationDispatcher - Interface in net.jini.jeri
An abstraction used to handle incoming call requests for a remote object.
InvocationLayerFactory - Interface in net.jini.jeri
A factory for creating a compatible proxy and invocation dispatcher for a remote object being exported.
InvocationLayerFactory.Instances - Class in net.jini.jeri
A container for the proxy and invocation dispatcher instances returned by InvocationLayerFactory.createInstances.
invoke(Remote, Method, Object[], Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Invokes the specified method on the specified remote object impl, with the specified arguments.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Processes a method invocation made on the encapsulating proxy instance, proxy, and returns the result.
isTrustedInvocationHandler(InvocationHandler, TrustVerifier.Context) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriTrustVerifier
Returns true if the specified invocation handler is trusted by this trust verifier; returns false otherwise.
isTrustedObject(Object, TrustVerifier.Context) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriTrustVerifier
Returns true if the specified object is a trusted Jini ERI dynamic proxy or a trusted Jini ERI object endpoint; returns false otherwise.
isTrustedObject(Object, TrustVerifier.Context) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosTrustVerifier
Returns true if the object is an instance of KerberosEndpoint and the SocketFactory it uses internally, if not null, is trusted by the given TrustVerifier.Context, or the object is an instance of KerberosPrincipal.
isTrustedObject(Object, TrustVerifier.Context) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslTrustVerifier
Returns true if the object is an instance of SslEndpoint or HttpsEndpoint, and it's SocketFactory is either null or trusted by the specified TrustVerifier.Context; or if the object is an instance of ConfidentialityStrength or X500Principal; and returns false otherwise.
isTrustedProxyInterface(Class, TrustVerifier.Context) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriTrustVerifier
Returns true if the specified dynamic proxy interface is trusted by this verifier; returns false otherwise.


JvmLifeSupport - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
This class maintains a thread if necessary, in the wait state, to prevent the jvm shutting down while remote objects hold strong references in the DGC.


KerberosEndpoint - Class in net.jini.jeri.kerberos
An Endpoint implementation that uses Kerberos as the underlying network security protocol to support security related invocation constraints its caller specified for the corresponding remote request.
KerberosEndpointInternalsAccess - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal
Provides a rendezvous point for the net.jini.jeri.kerberos transport provider to register an EndpointInternals instance used by provider classes for the net.jini.discovery.kerberos unicast discovery format.
KerberosServerEndpoint - Class in net.jini.jeri.kerberos
A ServerEndpoint implementation that uses Kerberos as the underlying network security protocol to support security related invocation constraints for remote requests.
KerberosTrustVerifier - Class in net.jini.jeri.kerberos
Trust verifier for verifying the Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI) endpoints of type KerberosEndpoint, and principals of type KerberosPrincipal.
KerberosTrustVerifier() - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosTrustVerifier
Creates a Security.TrustVerifier for this package.


listen(RequestDispatcher) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.ServerEndpoint.ListenEndpoint
Listens for requests received on the communication endpoint represented by this ListenEndpoint, dispatching them to the supplied RequestDispatcher in the form of InboundRequest instances.
LocalHost - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
This was common security code in all ServerEndpoint.enumerateListenEndpoints calls, rather than duplicate this code, due to it's performance and security sensitivity, it has been separated here to avoid duplication.
LocalHost(Logger, Class) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.LocalHost


marshalArguments(Object, Method, Object[], ObjectOutputStream, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Marshals the arguments for the specified remote method to the outgoing request stream, out.
marshalMethod(Object, Method, ObjectOutputStream, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Marshals a representation of the given method to the outgoing request stream, out.
marshalReturn(Remote, Method, Object, ObjectOutputStream, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Marshals the specified return value for the specified remote method to the marshal output stream, out.
marshalThrow(Remote, Method, Throwable, ObjectOutputStream, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Marshals the throwable for the specified remote method to the marshal output stream, out.
marshalValue(Class, Object, ObjectOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Marshals value to an ObjectOutput stream, out, using RMI's serialization format for arguments or return values.
MuxClient - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux
A MuxClient controls the client side of multiplexed connection.
MuxClient(OutputStream, InputStream, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxClient
Initiates the client side of the multiplexed connection over the given input/output stream pair.
MuxClient(SocketChannel, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxClient
MuxServer - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux
A MuxServer controls the server side of a multiplexed connection.
MuxServer(OutputStream, InputStream, RequestDispatcher) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxServer
Initiates the server side of a multiplexed connection over the given input/output stream pair.
MuxServer(SocketChannel, RequestDispatcher) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxServer


net.jini.jeri - package net.jini.jeri
Provides the fundamental abstractions and standard implementation classes for Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI).
net.jini.jeri.connection - package net.jini.jeri.connection
Provides interfaces and classes for implementing connection-based Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI) transport layer providers.
net.jini.jeri.http - package net.jini.jeri.http
Provides implementations of the Endpoint and ServerEndpoint abstractions that use HTTP messages sent over TCP sockets as the underlying communication mechanism.
net.jini.jeri.kerberos - package net.jini.jeri.kerberos
Provides implementations of Endpoint and ServerEndpoint that use Kerberos as the underlying network security protocol to support security related invocation constraints for remote requests.
net.jini.jeri.ssl - package net.jini.jeri.ssl
Provides implementations of Endpoint and ServerEndpoint that use TLS/SSL and HTTPS (HTTP over TLS/SSL) to support invocation constraints.
net.jini.jeri.tcp - package net.jini.jeri.tcp
Provides implementations of the Endpoint and ServerEndpoint abstractions that use TCP sockets as the underlying communication mechanism.
newCall(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicObjectEndpoint
Returns an OutboundRequestIterator to use to send a new remote call to the referenced remote object using the specified constraints.
newCall(InvocationConstraints) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.ObjectEndpoint
Returns an OutboundRequestIterator to use to send a new remote call to the referenced remote object using the specified constraints.
newRequest(OutboundRequestHandle) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.connection.ConnectionManager
Returns an OutboundRequestIterator to use to send a new request for the specified handle to this connection manager's ConnectionEndpoint.
newRequest(InvocationConstraints) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.Endpoint
Returns an OutboundRequestIterator to use to send a new request to this remote endpoint using the specified constraints.
newRequest(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpEndpoint
Returns an OutboundRequestIterator to use to send a new request to this remote endpoint using the specified constraints.
newRequest(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint
Returns an OutboundRequestIterator to use to send a new request to this remote endpoint using the specified constraints.
newRequest(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint
Returns an OutboundRequestIterator to use to send a new request to this remote endpoint using the specified constraints.
newRequest(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
Returns an OutboundRequestIterator to use to send a new request to this remote endpoint using the specified constraints.
newRequest(InvocationConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpEndpoint
Returns an OutboundRequestIterator to use to send a new request to this remote endpoint using the specified constraints.
newRequest(OutboundRequestHandle) - Method in interface org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection.ConnManager
Returns an outbound request iterator to use to send a new request corresponding to the specified request handle over the connection endpoint for this instance.
newRequest() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpClientConnection
Initiates new request to connection target.
newRequest() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxClient
Starts a new request over this connection, returning the corresponding OutboundRequest object.
next() - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.OutboundRequestIterator
Initiates an attempt to communicate the request to the remote endpoint.


ObjectEndpoint - Interface in net.jini.jeri
References a remote object at a remote communication endpoint to send requests to.
org.apache.river.jeri.internal - package org.apache.river.jeri.internal
org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection - package org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection
org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http - package org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http
org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux - package org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux
org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime - package org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
OutboundRequest - Interface in net.jini.jeri
Represents a request that is being sent and the corresponding response received in reply.
OutboundRequestHandle - Interface in net.jini.jeri.connection
Associates information with a request that is being sent to a ConnectionEndpoint.
OutboundRequestIterator - Interface in net.jini.jeri
Produces OutboundRequest instances to use for attempting to send a particular request to a remote communication endpoint.


ping() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpClientConnection
Pings target.
populateContext(OutboundRequestHandle, Collection) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.Connection
Populates the supplied collection with context information representing a request with the specified handle.
populateContext(InboundRequestHandle, Collection) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.ServerConnection
Populates the supplied collection with context information representing a request with the specified handle.
populateContext(Collection) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.InboundRequest
Populates the supplied collection with context information representing this request.
populateContext(Collection) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.OutboundRequest
Populates the supplied collection with context information representing this request.
populateContext(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpServerConnection
Populates the given context collection with context information representing this connection.
populateContext(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxClient
Populates the context collection with information representing this connection.
populateContext(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxServer
Populates the context collection with information representing this connection (such as the client host).
populateContext(Collection, InetAddress) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
populateContext(Collection, Subject) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
populateContext(Collection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
processRequestData(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.ServerConnection
Reads from the specified input stream any per-request data required by this connection for an inbound request, writes any required response data to the specified output stream, and returns a handle for the request.
ProxyTrustILFactory - Class in net.jini.jeri
ProxyTrustILFactory(MethodConstraints, Class) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.ProxyTrustILFactory
Creates a factory with the specified server constraints, permission class, and a null class loader.
ProxyTrustILFactory(MethodConstraints, Class, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.ProxyTrustILFactory
Creates a factory with the specified server constraints, permission class, and class loader.
pStream - Variable in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
Stream that understands "printing"


readFully(InputStream, byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.CharacterEncoder
This method works around the bizarre semantics of BufferedInputStream's read method.
readResponseData(OutboundRequestHandle, InputStream) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.Connection
Reads from the specified stream any per-response data required by this connection for a request with the specified handle.
register(SelectableChannel, SelectionManager.SelectionHandler) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.SelectionManager
Registers the given SelectableChannel with this SelectionManager.
registerRefs(Endpoint, Collection<ObjectEndpoint>) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.DgcClient
renewInterestMask(int) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.SelectionManager.Key
Renews interest in receiving notifications when the I/O operations identified by the specified mask are ready for the associated SelectableChannel.
RequestDispatcher - Interface in net.jini.jeri
A callback object for processing inbound requests.
requestsInProgress() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxClient
Returns the current number of requests in progress over this connection.


sameClassAndEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Returns true either if both arguments are null or if both arguments refer to objects of the same class and an invocation of Object.equals on "subject" with "object" as the argument returns true; returns false otherwise.
sameProxyClass(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Returns true if proxy2 is a generated Proxy (proxy1 is assumed to be one) and the classes of both proxies implement the same ordered list of interfaces, and returns false otherwise.
scheduleTimeout(TimedConnection, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.ConnectionTimer
Schedules timeout for given connection.
SelectionManager - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
A SelectionManager provides an event dispatching layer on top of the java.nio.Selector and java.nio.SelectableChannel abstractions; it manages one-shot registrations of interest in I/O readiness events and dispatching notifications of such events to registered callback objects.
SelectionManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.SelectionManager
Creates a new SelectionManager.
SelectionManager.Key - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
A Key represents a given SelectableChannel's registration with this SelectionManager.
SelectionManager.SelectionHandler - Interface in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
SelectionHandler is the callback interface for an object that will process an I/O readiness event that has been detected by a SelectionManager.
ServerCapabilities - Interface in net.jini.jeri
Represents the constraint support capabilities of a server-side transport layer implementation.
ServerConnection - Interface in net.jini.jeri.connection
Represents an established server-side connection.
ServerConnectionManager - Class in net.jini.jeri.connection
Provides server-side connection management using the Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI) multiplexing protocol to frame and multiplex requests and responses over connections.
ServerConnectionManager() - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.connection.ServerConnectionManager
Creates a new ServerConnectionManager.
ServerConnManager - Interface in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.connection
Defines interface for internal pluggable counterparts of ServerConnectionManager.
ServerEndpoint - Interface in net.jini.jeri
Represents one or more communication endpoints on the current (local) host to listen for and receive requests on and a template for producing an Endpoint instance to send requests to those communication endpoints.
ServerEndpoint.ListenContext - Interface in net.jini.jeri
A callback object for passing to ServerEndpoint.enumerateListenEndpoints to receive the enumerated ListenEndpoint instances and to choose an active listen operation for each of them on behalf of the caller of enumerateListenEndpoints.
ServerEndpoint.ListenCookie - Interface in net.jini.jeri
A cookie to identify a listen operation as the return value of the ListenContext.addListenEndpoint method.
ServerEndpoint.ListenEndpoint - Interface in net.jini.jeri
Represents a communication endpoint on the current (local) host to listen for and receive requests on.
ServerEndpoint.ListenHandle - Interface in net.jini.jeri
Represents a listen operation that has been started on a ListenEndpoint.
set(EndpointInternals) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.HttpsEndpointInternalsAccess
Registers EndpointInternals instance to use for back-door operations on SslEndpoint and SslServerEndpoints.
set(EndpointInternals) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.KerberosEndpointInternalsAccess
Registers EndpointInternals instance to use for back-door operations on KerberosEndpoint and KerberosServerEndpoints.
set(EndpointInternals) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.SslEndpointInternalsAccess
Registers EndpointInternals instance to use for back-door operations on SslEndpoint and SslServerEndpoints.
setClientConstraints(MethodConstraints) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Returns a copy of this invocation handler with the specified constraints as its new client constraints.
setConnManagerFactory(Endpoint, ConnManagerFactory) - Method in interface org.apache.river.jeri.internal.EndpointInternals
Sets the ConnManagerFactory used by the given endpoint to produce ConnManagers for managing connections.
setDGCContext(Endpoint, MethodConstraints, AccessControlContext) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.DgcClient
setInvocationDispatcher(InvocationDispatcher) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.BasicExportTable.Entry
Sets the invocation dispatcher for the exported object.
setServerConnManager(ServerEndpoint, ServerConnManager) - Method in interface org.apache.river.jeri.internal.EndpointInternals
Sets the ServerConnManager used by the given endpoint to manage accepted connections.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpClientConnection
Attempts to shut down connection, returning true if connection is closed.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpServerConnection
Attempts to shut down connection, returning true if connection is closed.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.TimedConnection
Attempts to shut down connection, returning true if connection is closed.
shutdown(String) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxClient
Shuts down this multiplexed connection.
shutdown(String) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxServer
Shuts down this multiplexed connection.
shutdownGracefully() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.mux.MuxServer
Shuts down this multiplexed connection only if there are no requests in progress (i.e. requests that have been dispatched to the request dispatcher but that have not been aborted or had their response fully written to the client).
SslEndpoint - Class in net.jini.jeri.ssl
An implementation of Endpoint that uses TLS/SSL to support invocation constraints for direct communication over TCP sockets.
SslEndpoint(AtomicSerial.GetArg) - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
SslEndpointInternalsAccess - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal
Provides a rendezvous point for the net.jini.jeri.ssl transport provider to register an EndpointInternals instance used by provider classes for the net.jini.discovery.ssl unicast discovery format.
SslServerEndpoint - Class in net.jini.jeri.ssl
An implementation of ServerEndpoint that uses TLS/SSL to support invocation constraints for direct communication over TCP sockets.
SslTrustVerifier - Class in net.jini.jeri.ssl
Trust verifier for the SslEndpoint, HttpsEndpoint, and ConfidentialityStrength classes.
SslTrustVerifier() - Constructor for class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslTrustVerifier
Creates an instance of this class.
start() - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http.HttpServerConnection
Starts request dispatch thread.
STRONG - Static variable in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.ConfidentialityStrength
RFC 7525 Current best practice, if confidentiality of message contents is ensured, then use strong confidentiality for message contents.


TcpEndpoint - Class in net.jini.jeri.tcp
An implementation of the Endpoint abstraction that uses TCP sockets (instances of Socket) for the underlying communication mechanism.
TcpServerEndpoint - Class in net.jini.jeri.tcp
An implementation of the ServerEndpoint abstraction that uses TCP sockets (instances of ServerSocket) for the underlying communication mechanism.
TimedConnection - Interface in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.http
Interface implemented by connections which can be timed out.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.AbstractILFactory
Returns a string representation for this factory.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory
Returns a string representation of this factory.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Returns a string representation of this BasicInvocationHandler.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter
Returns the string representation for this exporter.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicObjectEndpoint
Returns a string representation of this BasicObjectEndpoint.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpEndpoint
Returns a string representation of this HttpEndpoint.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.http.HttpServerEndpoint
Returns a string representation of this HttpServerEndpoint.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosEndpoint
Returns a string representation of this endpoint.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.kerberos.KerberosServerEndpoint
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.ConfidentialityStrength
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsEndpoint
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.HttpsServerEndpoint
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslEndpoint
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.SslServerEndpoint
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpEndpoint
Returns a string representation of this TcpEndpoint.
toString() - Method in class net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint
Returns a string representation of this TcpServerEndpoint.


unexport(boolean) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter
Unexports the remote object exported via the exporter's export method such that incoming remote calls to the object identifier in this exporter are no longer accepted through the server endpoint in this exporter.
unexport(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.BasicExportTable.Entry
Unexports the exported object.
unmarshalArguments(Remote, Method, ObjectInputStream, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Unmarshals the arguments for the specified remote method from the specified marshal input stream, in, and returns an Object array containing the arguments read.
unmarshalMethod(Remote, ObjectInputStream, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationDispatcher
Unmarshals a method representation from the marshal input stream, in, and returns the Method object corresponding to that representation.
unmarshalReturn(Object, Method, ObjectInputStream, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Unmarshals the return value for the specified remote method from the incoming response stream, in.
unmarshalThrow(Object, Method, ObjectInputStream, Collection) - Method in class net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler
Unmarshals the throwable for the specified remote method from the incoming response stream, in, and returns the result.
unmarshalValue(Class, ObjectInput) - Static method in class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util
Unmarshals a value of the specified type from the ObjectInput stream, in, using RMI's serialization format for arguments or return values and returns the result.
Util - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
Utility methods for implementing custom remote reference types.
Util() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.Util


WEAK - Static variable in class net.jini.jeri.ssl.ConfidentialityStrength
If confidentiality of message contents is ensured, then use weak confidentiality for message contents.
WeakKey - Class in org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime
WeakKey objects are used by the object table to hold weak references to DGC-enabled remote objects in the exported object table, so that such a remote object with no known client references may be (locally) garbage collected.
WeakKey(Object) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.WeakKey
Create a new WeakKey to the given object.
WeakKey(Object, ReferenceQueue) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.jeri.internal.runtime.WeakKey
Create a new WeakKey to the given object, registered with a queue.
writeRequestData(OutboundRequestHandle, OutputStream) - Method in interface net.jini.jeri.connection.Connection
Writes to the specified stream any per-request data required by this connection for a request with the specified handle.
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