View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    * distributed with this work for additional information
5    * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    * 
10   *
11   * 
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16   * limitations under the License.
17   */
19  package net.jini.lookup;
21  import;
22  import java.rmi.RemoteException;
23  import java.rmi.server.ExportException;
24  import java.util.ArrayList;
25  import java.util.Collection;
26  import java.util.HashSet;
27  import java.util.Iterator;
28  import java.util.LinkedList;
29  import java.util.List;
30  import java.util.Map;
31  import java.util.Set;
32  import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
33  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
34  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
35  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
36  import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
37  import java.util.concurrent.Future;
38  import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
39  import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
40  import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue;
41  import java.util.concurrent.RunnableFuture;
42  import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
43  import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
44  import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
45  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
46  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
47  import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
48  import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock;
49  import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock;
50  import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
51  import java.util.function.BiFunction;
52  import java.util.logging.Level;
53  import net.jini.config.ConfigurationException;
54  import net.jini.core.constraint.MethodConstraints;
55  import net.jini.core.constraint.RemoteMethodControl;
56  import net.jini.core.entry.Entry;
57  import net.jini.core.event.RemoteEvent;
58  import net.jini.core.event.RemoteEventListener;
59  import net.jini.core.event.UnknownEventException;
60  import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceEvent;
61  import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceID;
62  import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceItem;
63  import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceMatches;
64  import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar;
65  import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceTemplate;
66  import net.jini.export.Exporter;
67  import;
68  import net.jini.jeri.AtomicILFactory;
69  import net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter;
70  import net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint;
71  import;
72  import;
73  import org.apache.river.concurrent.RC;
74  import org.apache.river.concurrent.Ref;
75  import org.apache.river.concurrent.Referrer;
76  import org.apache.river.lookup.entry.LookupAttributes;
77  import org.apache.river.proxy.BasicProxyTrustVerifier;
78  import org.apache.river.thread.DependencyLinker;
79  import org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService;
80  import org.apache.river.thread.FutureObserver;
81  import org.apache.river.thread.NamedThreadFactory;
82  import org.apache.river.thread.ObservableFutureTask;
84  /**
85   * Internal implementation of the LookupCache interface. Instances of this class
86   * are used in the blocking versions of ServiceDiscoveryManager.lookup() and are returned by
87   * createLookupCache.
88   */
89  final class LookupCacheImpl implements LookupCache {
91      private static final int ITEM_ADDED = 0;
92      private static final int ITEM_REMOVED = 2;
93      private static final int ITEM_CHANGED = 3;
94      /* The listener that receives remote events from the lookup services */
95      private final LookupListener lookupListener;
96      /* Exporter for the remote event listener (lookupListener) */
97      private volatile Exporter lookupListenerExporter;
98      /* Proxy to the listener that receives remote events from lookups */
99      private volatile RemoteEventListener lookupListenerProxy;
100     /**
101      * Task manager for the various tasks executed by this LookupCache
102      */
103     private volatile ExecutorService cacheTaskMgr;
104     private volatile CacheTaskDependencyManager cacheTaskDepMgr;
106     private volatile ExecutorService incomingEventExecutor;
107     /* Flag that indicates if the LookupCache has been terminated. */
108     private volatile boolean bCacheTerminated = false;
109     /* Contains the ServiceDiscoveryListener's that receive local events */
110     private final ReadLock sItemListenersRead;
111     private final WriteLock sItemListenersWrite;
112     private final Collection<ServiceDiscoveryListener> sItemListeners;
113     /* Map from ServiceID to ServiceItemReg, this basically holds the replicated
114      * filtered cache of ServiceRegistrar's, containing all the services
115      * and attributes the client has registered interest in.
116      * Regarding synchronization of state, all ServiceItemReg mutations 
117      * are guarded using atoimc BiFunction's with computIfPresent calls,
118      * now that mutations of ServiceItemReg are essentially atomic, the
119      * next step would be to make ServiceItemReg immutable, and replace 
120      * instead of mutate and decide on a sutiable identity, so that when a later
121      * atomic operation occurring after filtering depends on an atomic
122      * operation that preceded it, we can check whether an interleved atomic action
123      * has occurred. At present interleaved atomic actions are prevented by
124      * limiting access to a single thread for each EventReg in eventRegMap
125      * for registration, events and lookup.  Removal from serviceIdMap only 
126      * occurs through discard and insertion when newOldService is called
127      * by RegisterListenerTask or HandleServiceEventTask, both occur
128      * atomically and mutually exclusive (for an EventReg), hence mutating
129      * atomic operations are unlikely to be interleaved, we also check that we 
130      * have the same ServiceItemReg instance between dependant atomic operations.
131      * and check whether a ServiceItemReg or EventReg has been discarded.
132      * The atomic operations are separated by filtering, which may include 
133      * remote calls. */
134     private final ConcurrentMap<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg> serviceIdMap;
135     /* Map from ProxyReg to EventReg: (proxyReg, {source,id,seqNo,lease})
136      * This map is used to assist with managing event registrations with
137      * each ServiceRegistar and replicating filtered state using ServiceEvents */
138     private final ConcurrentMap<ProxyReg, EventReg> eventRegMap;
139     /* Template current cache instance should use for primary matching */
140     private final ServiceTemplate tmpl;
141     /* Filter current cache instance should use for secondary matching */
142     private final ServiceItemFilter filter;
143     /* Desired lease duration to request from lookups' event mechanisms */
144     private final long leaseDuration;
145     /* Log the time when the cache gets created. This value is used to
146      * calculate the time when the cache should expire.
147      */
148     private final long startTime;
149     /**
150      * For tasks waiting on verification events after service discard
151      */
152     private volatile ScheduledExecutorService serviceDiscardTimerTaskMgr;
153     private final ConcurrentMap<ServiceID, Future> serviceDiscardFutures;
154     /**
155      * Whenever a ServiceIdTask is created in this cache, it is assigned a
156      * unique sequence number to allow such tasks associated with the same
157      * ServiceID to be executed in the order in which they were queued in the
158      * TaskManager. This field contains the value of the sequence number
159      * assigned to the most recently created ServiceIdTask.
160      */
161     private final AtomicLong taskSeqN;
162     private final ServiceDiscoveryManager sdm;
163     private final boolean useInsecureLookup;
165     LookupCacheImpl(ServiceTemplate tmpl, ServiceItemFilter filter, 
166             ServiceDiscoveryListener sListener, long leaseDuration,
167             ServiceDiscoveryManager sdm, boolean useInsecureLookup) 
168                                                     throws RemoteException 
169     {
170         this.useInsecureLookup = useInsecureLookup;
171 	this.taskSeqN = new AtomicLong();
172 	this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
173 	this.eventRegMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<ProxyReg, EventReg>();
174 	this.serviceIdMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg>();
175 	this.sItemListeners = new HashSet<ServiceDiscoveryListener>();
176 	this.serviceDiscardFutures = RC.concurrentMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<Referrer<ServiceID>, Referrer<Future>>(), Ref.WEAK_IDENTITY, Ref.STRONG, 60000, 60000);
177 	this.tmpl = tmpl.clone();
178 	this.leaseDuration = leaseDuration;
179 	this.filter = filter;
180 	lookupListener = new LookupListener();
181 	if (sListener != null) {
182 	    sItemListeners.add(sListener);
183 	}
184 	this.sdm = sdm;
185         ReentrantReadWriteLock rwl = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
186         sItemListenersRead = rwl.readLock();
187         sItemListenersWrite = rwl.writeLock();
188     } //end constructor
190     private ExecutorService eventNotificationExecutor;
192     /**
193      * RemoteEventListener class that is registered with the proxy to
194      * receive notifications from lookup services when any ServiceItem
196      * 
197      * TODO: implement RemoteMethodControl to allow the ServiceRegistrar
198      * to place constraints on the LookupListener.
199      */
200     private final class LookupListener implements RemoteEventListener,
201 	    ServerProxyTrust {
203 	RemoteEventListener export() throws ExportException {
204 	    return (RemoteEventListener) lookupListenerExporter.export(this);
205 	}
207 	@Override
208 	public void notify(RemoteEvent evt) throws UnknownEventException,
209 		java.rmi.RemoteException {
210 	    if (!(evt instanceof ServiceEvent)) {
211 		throw new UnknownEventException("ServiceEvent required,not: " + evt.toString());
212 	    }
213 	    notifyServiceMap((ServiceEvent) evt);
214 	}
216 	/**
217 	 * Returns a <code>TrustVerifier</code> which can be used to verify that
218 	 * a given proxy to this listener can be trusted.
219 	 */
220 	@Override
221 	public TrustVerifier getProxyVerifier() {
222 	    return new BasicProxyTrustVerifier(lookupListenerProxy);
223 	} //end getProxyVerifier
224     } //end class LookupCacheImpl.LookupListener
226     /**
227      * This task class, when executed, first registers to receive ServiceEvents
228      * from the given ServiceRegistrar. If the registration process succeeds (no
229      * RemoteExceptions), it then performs a lookup to query the given
230      * ServiceRegistrar for a "snapshot" of its current state with respect to
231      * services that match the given template.
232      *
233      * Note that the order of execution is important. That is, the lookup must
234      * be executed only after registration for events has completed. This is
235      * because when an entity registers with the event mechanism of a
236      * ServiceRegistrar, the entity will only receive notification of events
237      * that occur "in the future", after the registration is made. The entity
238      * will not receive events about changes to the state of the
239      * ServiceRegistrar that may have occurred before or during the registration
240      * process.
241      *
242      * Thus, if the order of these tasks were reversed and lookup were to be
243      * performed prior to the RegisterListenerTask, then the possibility exists
244      * for the occurrence of a change in the ServiceRegistrar's state between
245      * the time lookup retrieves a snapshot of that state, and the time the
246      * event registration process has completed, resulting in an incorrect view
247      * of the current state of the ServiceRegistrar.
248      */
249     private static final class RegisterListenerTask extends
250 	    CacheTask {
252 	final LookupCacheImpl cache;
254 	public RegisterListenerTask(ProxyReg reg,
255 		long seqN, LookupCacheImpl cache) {
256 	    super(reg, seqN);
257 	    this.cache = cache;
258 	}
260 	@Override
261 	public boolean hasDeps() {
262 	    return true;
263 	}
265 	@Override
266 	public boolean dependsOn(CacheTask t) {
267 	    if (t instanceof ProxyRegDropTask) {
268 		ProxyReg r = getProxyReg();
269 		if (r != null && r.equals(t.getProxyReg())) {
270 		    if (t.getSeqN() < getSeqN()) {
271 			return true;
272 		    }
273 		}
274 	    }
275 	    return false;
276 	}
278 	@Override
279 	public void run() {
280             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)){
281                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINER, 
282                     "ServiceDiscoveryManager - RegisterListenerTask started");
283             }
284 	    long duration = cache.getLeaseDuration();
285 	    if (duration < 0) {
286 		return;
287 	    }
288 	    try {
289 		EventReg eventReg
290 			= cache.sdm.registerListener(
291 				reg.getProxy(),
292 				cache.tmpl,
293 				cache.lookupListenerProxy,
294 				duration
295 			);
296 		// eventReg is a new object not visible to other threads yet.
297 		// It will be safely published using a ConcurrentMap, so
298 		// we don't need to synchronize here.
299 		/* Cancel the lease if the cache has been terminated */
300 		if (cache.bCacheTerminated
301 			|| Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
302 		    // is final and is already safely published
303 		    cache.sdm.cancelLease(;
304 		} else {
305                     eventReg.suspendEvents();
306 		    EventReg existed
307 			    = cache.eventRegMap.putIfAbsent(reg, eventReg);
308 		    if (existed != null){ // A listener has already been registered.
309 			cache.sdm.cancelLease(;
310 		    } else {
311                         try {
312                             /* Execute the lookup only if there were no problems */
313                             cache.lookup(reg);
314                         } finally {
315                             synchronized (eventReg){
316                                 eventReg.releaseEvents();
317                                 eventReg.notify();
318                             }
319                         }
320                     }
322 		} //endif
323 	    } catch (Exception e) {
325 			reg.getProxy(),
326 			this.getClass().getName(),
327 			"run",
328 			"Exception occurred while attempting to register with the lookup service event mechanism",
329 			cache.bCacheTerminated
330 		);
331 	    } finally {
332                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)){
333                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINER, 
334                         "ServiceDiscoveryManager - RegisterListenerTask completed");
335                 }
336 	    }
337 	} //end run
338     } //end class LookupCacheImpl.RegisterListenerTask
340     /**
341      * When the given registrar is discarded, this Task class is used to remove
342      * the registrar from the various maps maintained by this cache.
343      */
344     private static final class ProxyRegDropTask extends CacheTask {
346 	final LookupCacheImpl cache;
347 	final EventReg eReg;
349 	public ProxyRegDropTask(ProxyReg reg,
350 		EventReg eReg,
351 		long seqN,
352 		LookupCacheImpl cache) {
353 	    super(reg, seqN);
354 	    this.cache = cache;
355 	    this.eReg = eReg;
356 	}
358 	@Override
359 	public void run() {
360             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)){
361                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINEST, 
362                     "ServiceDiscoveryManager - ProxyRegDropTask started");
363             }
364             // Maybe registrar was discarded before the RegisterLookupListener 
365             // task completed?
366             // That's ok this task should execute after RegisterLookupListener.
367             synchronized (eReg){ //lease has already been cancelled by removeProxyReg or above.
368                 while (eReg.eventsSuspended()) { 
369                     // Lookup is in progress, due to non contiguous 
370                     // event.
371                     try {
372                         eReg.wait(200L);
373                     } catch (InterruptedException e){
374                         Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
375                     }
376                 }
377                 // We've woken up holding the lock on eReg, events and lookup
378                 // cannot proceed until we release this lock.
379                 // Before lookup can start adding state to the serviceIdMap
380                 // it first checks the eReg is not discarded.
381                 if (eReg.discard()) cache.eventRegMap.remove(reg, eReg);
382             }
383 	    /* For each itemReg in the serviceIdMap, disassociate the
384 	     * lookup service referenced here from the itemReg; and
385 	     * if the itemReg then has no more lookup services associated
386 	     * with it, remove the itemReg from the map and send a
387 	     * service removed event.
388 	     */
389 	    Iterator<Map.Entry<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg>> iter = cache.serviceIdMap.entrySet().iterator();
390 	    while (iter.hasNext()) {
391 		Map.Entry<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg> e =;
392 		ServiceID srvcID = e.getKey();
393                 DissociateLusCleanUpOrphan dlcl = new DissociateLusCleanUpOrphan(cache, reg.getProxy());
394                 cache.serviceIdMap.computeIfPresent(srvcID, dlcl);
395                 if (dlcl.itemRegProxy != null) {
396                     cache.itemMatchMatchChange(srvcID, dlcl.itmReg, dlcl.itemRegProxy, dlcl.newItem, false);
397                 } else if (dlcl.notify && dlcl.filteredItem != null) {
398                     cache.removeServiceNotify(dlcl.filteredItem);
399                 }
400 	    } //end loop
401             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)){
402                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINEST, 
403                     "ServiceDiscoveryManager - ProxyRegDropTask completed");
404             }
405 	} //end run
407 	@Override
408 	public boolean hasDeps() {
409 	    return true;
410 	}
412 	@Override
413 	public boolean dependsOn(CacheTask t) {
414 	    if (t instanceof RegisterListenerTask || t instanceof ProxyRegDropTask) {
415 		ProxyReg r = getProxyReg();
416 		if (r != null && r.equals(t.getProxyReg())) {
417 		    if (t.getSeqN() < getSeqN()) {
418 			return true;
419 		    }
420 		}
421 	    }
422 	    return false;
423 	}
424     } //end class LookupCacheImpl.ProxyRegDropTask
426     /**
427      * Task class used to determine whether or not to "commit" a service discard
428      * request, increasing the chances that the service will eventually be
429      * re-discovered. This task is also used to attempt a filter retry on an
430      * item in which the cache's filter initially returned indefinite.
431      */
432     private static final class ServiceDiscardTimerTask implements Runnable {
434 	private final ServiceID serviceID;
435 	private final LookupCacheImpl cache;
437 	public ServiceDiscardTimerTask(LookupCacheImpl cache, ServiceID serviceID) {
438 	    this.serviceID = serviceID;
439 	    this.cache = cache;
440 	} //end constructor
442 	@Override
443 	public void run() {
444             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)){
445                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINEST, 
446                     "ServiceDiscoveryManager - ServiceDiscardTimerTask started");
447             }
448 	    try {
449 		/* Exit if this cache has already been terminated. */
450 		if (cache.bCacheTerminated) {
451 		    return;
452 		}
453 		/* If the service ID is still contained in the serviceIdMap,
454 		 * then a MATCH_NOMATCH event did not arrive, which is
455 		 * interpreted here to mean that the service is still up.
456 		 * The service ID will still be in the map if one (or both)
457 		 * of the following is true:
458 		 *  - the client discarded an unreachable service that never
459 		 *    actually went down (so it's lease never expired, and
460 		 *    a MATCH_NOMATCH event was never received)
461 		 *  - upon applying the cache's filter to the service, the
462 		 *    filter returned indefinite, and this task was queued
463 		 *    to request that filtering be retried at a later time
464 		 *
465 		 * For the first case above, the service is "un-discarded" so
466 		 * the service will be available to the client again. For the
467 		 * second case, the filter is retried. If the service passes
468 		 * the filter, the service is "un-discarded"; otherwise, it is
469 		 * 'quietly' removed from the map (because a service removed
470 		 * event was already sent when the service was originally
471 		 * discarded.
472 		 */
473 		ServiceItemReg itemReg = cache.serviceIdMap.get(serviceID);
474 		if (itemReg != null) {
475                     // Refactoring strategy:
476                     // read item and filter.
477                     // compute atomically, check item undiscards and check
478                     // that filtered item hasn't changed.
479 		    //Discarded status hasn't changed
480 		    ServiceItem itemToSend;
481 		    if (!itemReg.isDiscarded()) return;
482 		    ServiceItem item = null;
483 		    ServiceItem filteredItem = null;
484                     boolean addFilteredItemToMap = false;
485                     boolean remove = false;
486                     boolean notify = true;
487 		    itemToSend = itemReg.getFilteredItem();
488 		    if (itemToSend == null) {
489 			item = itemReg.getItem();
490 			filteredItem = item.clone();
491 			//retry the filter
492 			if (cache.useInsecureLookup){
493 			    if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.filterPassed(filteredItem, cache.filter)) {
494                                 addFilteredItemToMap = true;
495 			    } else {
496 				//'quietly' remove the item
497                                 remove = true;
498                                 notify = false;
499 			    } //endif
500 			} else {
501 			    // We're dealing with a bootstrap proxy.
502 			    // The filter may not be expecting a bootstrap proxy.
503 			    try {
504 				if(ServiceDiscoveryManager.filterPassed(filteredItem, cache.filter)){
505                                     addFilteredItemToMap = true;
506                                 } else {
507                                     //'quietly' remove the item
508                                     remove = true;
509                                     notify = false;
510                                 } //endif
511 			    } catch (SecurityException ex){
512                                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
513                                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINE, 
514                                         "Exception caught, while attempting to filter a bootstrap proxy", ex);
515                                 }
516 				try {
517 				    filteredItem.service = ((ServiceProxyAccessor) filteredItem.service).getServiceProxy();
518 				    if(ServiceDiscoveryManager.filterPassed(filteredItem, cache.filter)){
519                                         addFilteredItemToMap = true;
520                                     } else {
521                                         //'quietly' remove the item
522                                         remove = true;
523                                         notify = false;
524                                     } //endif
525 				} catch (RemoteException ex1) {
526 				    if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
527                                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINE, 
528                                             "Exception caught, while attempting to filter a bootstrap proxy", ex1);
529                                     }
530                                     //'quietly' remove the item
531                                     remove = true;
532                                     notify = false;
533 				}
534 			    } catch (ClassCastException ex){
535 				if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
536                                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINE, 
537                                         "Exception caught, while attempting to filter a bootstrap proxy", ex);
538                                 }
539 				try {
540 				    filteredItem.service = ((ServiceProxyAccessor) filteredItem.service).getServiceProxy();
541 				    if(ServiceDiscoveryManager.filterPassed(filteredItem, cache.filter)){
542                                         addFilteredItemToMap = true;
543                                     } else {
544                                         //'quietly' remove the item
545                                         remove = true;
546                                         notify = false;
547                                     } //endif
548 				} catch (RemoteException ex1) {
549 				    if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
550                                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINE, 
551                                             "Exception caught, while attempting to filter a bootstrap proxy", ex1);
552                                     }
553                                     //'quietly' remove the item
554                                     remove = true;
555                                     notify = false;
556 				}
557 			    }
558 			}
559 		    } //endif
560 		    /* Either the filter was retried and passed, in which case,
561 		     * the filtered itemCopy was placed in the map and
562 		     * "un-discarded"; or the
563 		     * filter wasn't applied above (a non-null filteredItem
564 		     * field in the itemReg in the map means that the filter
565 		     * was applied at some previous time). In the latter case, the
566 		     * service can now be "un-discarded", and a notification
567 		     * that the service is now available can be sent for either case.
568 		     */
569                     AddOrRemove aor = 
570                             new AddOrRemove(cache, item, filteredItem, 
571                                     itemToSend, addFilteredItemToMap,
572                                     remove, notify
573                             );
574                     cache.serviceIdMap.computeIfPresent(serviceID, aor);
575 		    if (aor.notify) cache.addServiceNotify(aor.itemToSend);
576 		}
577 	    } finally {
578                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)){
579                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINEST, 
580                         "ServiceDiscoveryManager - ServiceDiscardTimerTask completed");
581                 }
582 	    }
583 	} //end run
584     }
586     /**
587      * Used by ServiceDiscardTimerTask to make removal or add with unDiscard atomic.
588      */
589     private static class AddOrRemove 
590             implements BiFunction<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg, ServiceItemReg> 
591     {
592         final LookupCacheImpl cache;
593         final ServiceItem item;
594         final ServiceItem filteredItem;
595         final boolean addFilteredItemToMap;
596         final boolean remove;
597         boolean notify;
598         ServiceItem itemToSend;
600         AddOrRemove(LookupCacheImpl cache, ServiceItem item,
601                 ServiceItem filteredItem, ServiceItem itemToSend, 
602                 boolean addFilteredItemToMap, boolean remove, boolean notify)
603         {
604             this.cache = cache;
605             this.item = item;
606             this.filteredItem = filteredItem;
607             this.itemToSend = itemToSend;
608             this.addFilteredItemToMap = addFilteredItemToMap;
609             this.remove = remove;
610             this.notify = notify;
611         }
613         @Override
614         public ServiceItemReg apply(ServiceID serviceID, ServiceItemReg itemReg) {
615             if (!itemReg.unDiscard()){
616                 notify = false;
617                 return itemReg;
618             } // Do nothing.
619             /* Either the filter was retried and passed, in which case,
620              * the filtered itemCopy was placed in the map and
621              * "un-discarded"; or the
622              * filter wasn't applied above (a non-null filteredItem
623              * field in the itemReg in the map means that the filter
624              * was applied at some previous time). In the latter case, the
625              * service can now be "un-discarded", and a notification
626              * that the service is now available can be sent for either case.
627              */
628             if (addFilteredItemToMap){
629                 itemReg.replaceProxyUsedToTrackChange(null, item);
630                 itemReg.setFilteredItem(filteredItem);
631                 itemToSend = filteredItem;
632                 return itemReg;
633             } else if (remove){
634                 return null;
635             }
636             return itemReg;
637         }
639     }
641     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
642     @Override
643     public void terminate() {
644 	synchronized (this) {
645 	    if (bCacheTerminated) {
646 		return; //allow for multiple terminations
647 	    }
648 	    bCacheTerminated = true;
649 	} //end sync
650 	sdm.removeLookupCache(this);
651 	/* Terminate all tasks: first, terminate this cache's Executors*/
652 	cacheTaskMgr.shutdownNow();
653 	/* Terminate ServiceDiscardTimerTasks running for this cache */
654 	serviceDiscardTimerTaskMgr.shutdownNow();
655 	eventNotificationExecutor.shutdownNow();
656 	/* Cancel all event registration leases held by this cache. */
657 	Set set = eventRegMap.entrySet();
658 	Iterator iter = set.iterator();
659 	while (iter.hasNext()) {
660 	    Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
661 	    EventReg eReg = (EventReg) e.getValue();
662 	    sdm.cancelLease(;
663 	} //end loop
664 	/* Un-export the remote listener for events from lookups. */
665 	try {
666 	    lookupListenerExporter.unexport(true);
667 	} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
668             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)){
669                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
670                     Level.FINEST, 
671                     "IllegalStateException occurred while unexporting the cache's remote event listener",
672                     e
673                 );
674             }
675 	}
676         incomingEventExecutor.shutdownNow();
677         if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)){
678             ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
679                 Level.FINEST, 
680                 "ServiceDiscoveryManager - LookupCache terminated"
681             );
682         }
683     } //end LookupCacheImpl.terminate
685     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
686     @Override
687     public ServiceItem lookup(ServiceItemFilter myFilter) {
688 	checkCacheTerminated();
689 	ServiceItem[] ret = getServiceItems(myFilter);
690 	if (ret.length == 0) {
691 	    return null;
692 	}
693 	// Maths.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE) = -ve, so to avoid random
694 	// hard to debug bugs, this has been changed.
695 	int rand = sdm.random.nextInt(ret.length);
696 	return ret[rand];
697     } //end LookupCacheImpl.lookup
699     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
700     @Override
701     public ServiceItem[] lookup(ServiceItemFilter myFilter, int maxMatches) {
702 	checkCacheTerminated();
703 	if (maxMatches < 1) {
704 	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxMatches must be > 0");
705 	}
706 	ServiceItem[] sa = getServiceItems(myFilter);
707 	int len = sa.length;
708 	if (len == 0 || len <= maxMatches) return sa;
709         List<ServiceItem> items = new LinkedList<ServiceItem>();
710 	int rand = sdm.random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) % len;
711 	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
712 	    items.add(sa[(i + rand) % len]);
713 	    if (items.size() == maxMatches) {
714 		break;
715 	    }
716 	} //end loop
717 	ServiceItem[] ret = new ServiceItem[items.size()];
718 	items.toArray(ret);
719 	return ret;
720     } //end LookupCacheImpl.lookup
722     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
723     @Override
724     public void discard(Object serviceReference) {
725 	checkCacheTerminated();
726 	/* Loop through the serviceIdMap, looking for the itemReg that
727 	 * corresponds to given serviceReference. If such an itemReg
728 	 * exists, and it's not already discarded, then queue a task
729 	 * to discard the given serviceReference.
730 	 */
731 	Iterator<Map.Entry<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg>> iter = serviceIdMap.entrySet().iterator();
732 	while (iter.hasNext()) {
733 	    Map.Entry<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg> e =;
734 	    ServiceItemReg itmReg = e.getValue();
735             ServiceID sid = e.getKey();
736             ServiceItem filteredItem = itmReg.getFilteredItem();
737             if (filteredItem != null && (filteredItem.service).equals(serviceReference)) {
738                 Discard dis = new Discard(this, itmReg, filteredItem, sdm.getDiscardWait());
739                 serviceIdMap.computeIfPresent(sid, dis);
740             }
741 	} //end loop
742     } //end LookupCacheImpl.discard
744     private static class Discard 
745             implements BiFunction<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg, ServiceItemReg>{
747         LookupCacheImpl cache;
748         ServiceItemReg expected;
749         ServiceItem filteredItem;
750         long discardWait;
752         Discard(LookupCacheImpl cache, ServiceItemReg itmReg, ServiceItem filteredItem, long discardWait){
753             this.cache = cache;
754             this.expected = itmReg;
755             this.filteredItem = filteredItem;
756             this.discardWait = discardWait;
757         }
759         @Override
760         public ServiceItemReg apply(ServiceID sid, ServiceItemReg itmReg) {
761             if (!expected.equals(itmReg)) return itmReg;
762             if (itmReg.discard()) {
763                 Future f = 
764                     cache.serviceDiscardTimerTaskMgr.schedule(
765                         new ServiceDiscardTimerTask(cache, sid),
766                         discardWait,
767                         TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
768                     );
769                 cache.serviceDiscardFutures.put(sid, f);
770                 cache.removeServiceNotify(filteredItem);
771             }
772             return itmReg;
773         }
774     }
776     /**
777      * This method returns a <code>ServiceItem</code> array containing elements
778      * that satisfy the following conditions: - is referenced by one of the
779      * <code>itemReg</code> elements contained in the <code>serviceIdMap</code>
780      * - is not currently discarded - satisfies the given
781      * <code>ServiceItemFilter</code>
782      *
783      * Note that the <code>filter</code> parameter is a "2nd stage" filter. That
784      * is, for each <code>itemReg</code> element in the
785      * <code>serviceIdMap</code>, the "1st stage" filter corresponding to the
786      * current instance of <code>LookupCache</code> has already been applied to
787      * the <code>ServiceItem</code> referenced in that <code>itemReg</code>. The
788      * <code>ServiceItemFilter</code> applied here is supplied by the entity
789      * interacting with the cache, and provides a second filtering process.
790      * Thus, this method applies the given <code>filter</code> parameter to the
791      * <code>filteredItem</code> field (not the <code>item</code> field) of each
792      * non-discarded <code>itemReg</code> element in the
793      * <code>serviceIdMap</code>.
794      *
795      * This method returns all the instances of <code>ServiceItem</code> that
796      * pass the given <code>filter</code>; and it discards all the items that
797      * produce an indefinite result when that <code>filter</code> is applied.
798      */
799     private ServiceItem[] getServiceItems(ServiceItemFilter filter2) {
800         FilteredItems items = new FilteredItems(this, filter2);
801         serviceIdMap.forEach(items);
802         return items.result();
803     } //end LookupCacheImpl.getServiceItems
805     private static class FilteredItems implements BiConsumer<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg> {
807         private final List<ServiceItem> items;
808         private final ServiceItemFilter filter2;
809         private final LookupCacheImpl cache;
811         FilteredItems(LookupCacheImpl cache, ServiceItemFilter filter2){
812             this.items = new LinkedList<ServiceItem>();
813             this.filter2 = filter2;
814             this.cache = cache;
815         }
817         @Override
818         public void accept(ServiceID sid, ServiceItemReg itemReg) {
819 	    ServiceItem itemToFilter = itemReg.getFilteredItem();
820             if ((itemToFilter == null) || (itemReg.isDiscarded())) return;
821             /* Make a copy because the filter may change it to null */
822             /* ServiceItemReg now performs defensive copy clone for us,
823              * so we don't forget.
824              */
825             itemToFilter = itemToFilter.clone();
826 	    /* Apply the filter */
827 	    boolean pass = (filter2 == null) || (filter2.check(itemToFilter));
828 	    /* Handle filter fail - skip to next item */
829 	    if (!pass) return;
830 	    /* Handle filter pass - add item to return set */
831 	    if (itemToFilter.service != null) {
832 		items.add(itemToFilter);
833 		return;
834 	    } //endif(pass)
835 	    /* Handle filter indefinite - discard the item */
836             Discard dis = 
837                     new Discard(
838                             cache, 
839                             itemReg, 
840                             itemToFilter, 
841                             cache.sdm.getDiscardWait()
842                     );
843             cache.serviceIdMap.computeIfPresent(sid, dis);
844         }
846         ServiceItem[] result(){
847             ServiceItem[] ret = new ServiceItem[items.size()];
848             items.toArray(ret);
849             return ret;
850         }
852     }
854     ServiceItem [] processBootStrapProxys(Object [] proxys){
855 	int length = proxys.length;
856 	Collection<ServiceItem> result = new ArrayList<ServiceItem>(length);
857 	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
858 	    Object bootstrap;
859 	    Entry [] attributes;
860 	    ServiceID id;
861 	    try {
862 		bootstrap = sdm.bootstrapProxyPreparer.prepareProxy(proxys[i]);
863 		attributes = ((ServiceAttributesAccessor) bootstrap).getServiceAttributes();
864 		id = ((ServiceIDAccessor) bootstrap).serviceID();
865 		result.add(new ServiceItem(id, bootstrap, attributes));
866 	    } catch (IOException ex) { } //ignore
867 	}
868 	return result.toArray(new ServiceItem[result.size()]);
869     }
871     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
872     @Override
873     public void addListener(ServiceDiscoveryListener listener) {
874 	checkCacheTerminated();
875 	if (listener == null) {
876 	    throw new NullPointerException("can't add null listener");
877 	}
878 	//No action is taken if not added according to LookupCache
879 	ServiceItem[] items = getServiceItems(null);
880         boolean added;
881         sItemListenersWrite.lock();
882         try {
883             added = sItemListeners.add(listener);
884         } finally {
885             sItemListenersWrite.unlock();
886         }
887         if (added){
888             for (int i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
889                 addServiceNotify(items[i], listener);
890             } //end loop
891         }
892     } //end LookupCacheImpl.addListener
894     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
895     @Override
896     public void removeListener(ServiceDiscoveryListener listener) {
897 	checkCacheTerminated();
898 	if (listener == null) {
899 	    return;
900 	}
901         sItemListenersWrite.lock();
902         try {
903             sItemListeners.remove(listener);
904         } finally {
905             sItemListenersWrite.unlock();
906         }
907     } //end LookupCacheImpl.removeListener
909     /**
910      * Add a new ProxyReg to the lookupCache. Called by the constructor and the
911      * DiscMgrListener's discovered() method.
912      *
913      * @param reg a ProxyReg to add.
914      */
915     public void addProxyReg(ProxyReg reg) {
916 	RegisterListenerTask treg = new RegisterListenerTask(reg, taskSeqN.getAndIncrement(), this);
917 	cacheTaskDepMgr.submit(treg);
918     } //end LookupCacheImpl.addProxyReg
920     /**
921      * Remove a ProxyReg from the lookupCache. Called by DiscMgrListener's
922      * discarded() method.
923      *
924      * @param reg a ProxyReg to remove.
925      */
926     public void removeProxyReg(ProxyReg reg) {
927 	ProxyRegDropTask t;
928 	//let the ProxyRegDropTask do the eventRegMap.remove
929 	EventReg eReg = eventRegMap.get(reg);
930 	if (eReg != null) {
931 	    try {
932 		sdm.leaseRenewalMgr.remove(;
933 	    } catch (Exception e) {
934                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)){
935                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
936                         Level.FINER, 
937                         "exception occurred while removing an event registration lease",
938                         e
939                     );
940                 }
941 	    }
942             t = new ProxyRegDropTask(reg, eReg, taskSeqN.getAndIncrement(), this);
943             cacheTaskDepMgr.removeUselessTask(reg); //Possibly RegisterListenerTask before it commences execution.
944             cacheTaskDepMgr.submit(t);
945         } //endif
946     } //end LookupCacheImpl.removeProxyReg
948     /* Throws IllegalStateException if this lookup cache has been
949      * terminated
950      */
951     private void checkCacheTerminated() {
952 	sdm.checkTerminated();
953 	if (bCacheTerminated) {
954 	    throw new IllegalStateException("this lookup cache was terminated");
955 	} //endif
956     } //end LookupCacheImpl.checkCacheTerminated
958     /**
959      * Called by the lookupListener's notify() method
960      * 
961      * @param theEvent 
962      */
963     private void notifyServiceMap(ServiceEvent theEvent){
964         if (theEvent.getSource() == null) {
965 	    return;
966 	}
967         if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
968             ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
969                 Level.FINE, 
970                 "HandleServiceEventTask submitted"
971             );
972         }
973 	incomingEventExecutor.submit(new HandleServiceEventTask(this, theEvent));
974     }
976     /**
977      * Task used to offload incoming ServiceEvents for LookupListener, so the
978      * remote method call can return quickly.
979      * 
980      * This was initially made comparable for natural queue ordering, however
981      * since events may be in network transit, while some are in the queue
982      * and others are executing, it isn't a safe way to ensure any kind of
983      * consistency or ordering.
984      */
985     private static class HandleServiceEventTask implements Runnable, Comparable {
987         private final LookupCacheImpl cache;
988         private final ServiceEvent theEvent;
989         /* The following fields are only ever accessed by one thread at a time,
990          * they are volatile to ensure visibility between threads */
991         private volatile ProxyReg reg;
992         private volatile EventReg eReg;
993         private volatile long timestamp;
994         private volatile ServiceItem item;
996         HandleServiceEventTask(LookupCacheImpl cache, ServiceEvent event){
997             this.cache = cache;
998             this.theEvent = event;
999         }
1001         @Override
1002         public void run() {
1003             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)){
1004                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINER,"HandleServiceEventTask started");
1005             }
1006             try {
1007                 if (item == null){
1008                     if (cache.useInsecureLookup){
1009                         item = theEvent.getServiceItem();
1010                     } else {
1011                         //REMIND: Consider using the actual service proxy?  No, that
1012                         // would cause unnecessary download, need to allow clients the
1013                         // opportunity to filter first, then clients also need to
1014                         // prepare during filtering before actual service proxy is 
1015                         // safe for use.
1016                         Object proxy = theEvent.getBootstrapProxy();
1017                         if (proxy != null){
1018                             Entry [] attributes;
1019                             try {
1020                                 proxy = cache.sdm.bootstrapProxyPreparer.prepareProxy(proxy);
1021                                 /* A service that registers with a ServiceRegistrar may trigger a 
1022                                  * ServiceEvent before that service receives its ServiceID from
1023                                  * the ServiceRegistrar, which results in the ServiceIDAccessor
1024                                  * returning null, we're provided with the ServiceID anyway,
1025                                  * so we can avoid an unnecessary remote call.
1026                                  */
1027                                 attributes = ((ServiceAttributesAccessor)proxy).getServiceAttributes();
1028                                 item = new ServiceItem(theEvent.getServiceID(), proxy, attributes);
1029                             } catch (IOException ex) {
1030                                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
1031                                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1032                                         Level.FINE, 
1033                                         "exception thrown while attempting to establish contact via a bootstrap proxy",
1034                                         ex
1035                                     );
1036                                 }
1037                                 // Item will be null.
1038                             }
1039                         }
1040                     }
1041                 }
1042                 /* Search eventRegMap for ProxyReg corresponding to event. */
1043                 FIND_ProxyReg: while (reg == null || eReg == null) {
1044                     Set<Map.Entry<ProxyReg, EventReg>> set = cache.eventRegMap.entrySet();
1045                     Iterator<Map.Entry<ProxyReg, EventReg>> iter = set.iterator();
1046                     while (iter.hasNext()) {
1047                         Map.Entry<ProxyReg, EventReg> e =;
1048                         eReg = e.getValue();
1049                         if (theEvent.getID() == eReg.eventID && theEvent.getSource().equals(eReg.source)) {
1050                             reg = e.getKey();
1051                             break FIND_ProxyReg;
1052                         } //endif
1053                     } //end loop
1054                     try {
1055                         cache.incomingEventExecutor.submit(this);
1056                         Thread.sleep(50L);
1057                         return;
1058                     } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
1059                         Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
1060                         return;
1061                     }
1062                 }
1063                 if (timestamp == 0){
1064                     timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
1065                 } else {
1066                     // We've done this before.
1067                     if (!cache.eventRegMap.containsKey(reg)) return; // Discarded.
1068                 }
1069                 long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
1070                 long delta = 0;
1071                 boolean resubmit = false;
1072                 int waiting = 0;
1073                 synchronized (eReg){
1074                     if (eReg.discarded()) return;
1075                     if (eReg.nonContiguousEvent(theEvent.getSequenceNumber()) 
1076                         && (currentTime - timestamp < 500)) // 1/2 seconds.
1077                     {
1078                         resubmit = true;
1079                         eReg.notifyAll();
1080                     } else {
1081                         while (eReg.eventsSuspended()){ // We're next.
1082                             try {
1083                                 waiting ++;
1084                                 eReg.wait(100L);
1085                                 waiting --;
1086                                 if (eReg.discarded()) return;
1087                                 // Give priority to contiguous events.
1088                                 if (waiting > 0 && eReg.nonContiguousEvent(
1089                                                     theEvent.getSequenceNumber()))
1090                                 {
1091                                     eReg.notifyAll();
1092                                     resubmit = true;
1093                                     break;
1094                                 }
1095                             } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
1096                                 Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
1097                                 return;
1098                             }
1099                         }
1100                         if (!resubmit){
1101                             eReg.suspendEvents();
1102                             delta = eReg.updateSeqNo(theEvent.getSequenceNumber());
1103                         }
1104                     }
1105                 }
1106                 if (resubmit){ // To avoid churn and free up thread.
1107                     try {
1108                         cache.incomingEventExecutor.submit(this);
1109                         Thread.sleep(50L);
1110                     } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
1111                         Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
1112                         return;
1113                     }
1114                     return;
1115                 }
1116                 try {
1117                     cache.notifyServiceMap(delta,
1118                         theEvent.getServiceID(),
1119                         item,
1120                         theEvent.getTransition(),
1121                         reg);
1122                 } finally {
1123                     synchronized (eReg){
1124                         eReg.releaseEvents();
1125                         eReg.notifyAll();
1126                     }
1127                 }
1128             } catch (RuntimeException e){
1129                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
1130                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINER, "HandleServiceEventTask threw a RuntimeException", e);
1131             } finally {
1132                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
1133                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINER, "HandleServiceEventTask completed");
1134             }
1135         }
1137         @Override
1138         public int compareTo(Object o) {
1139             if (!(o instanceof HandleServiceEventTask)) return 0;
1140             HandleServiceEventTask that = (HandleServiceEventTask) o;
1141             long dif = this.theEvent.getSequenceNumber() - that.theEvent.getSequenceNumber();
1142             if (dif == 0) return 0;
1143             if (dif < 0) return -1; // Which means that.theEvent is larger than this.theEvent
1144             return 1;
1145         }
1146     }
1148     /**
1149      * Called by the HandleServiceEventTask. Checks the event sequence
1150      * number and, based on whether or not a "gap" is found in in the event
1151      * sequence, performs lookup (if a gap was found) or processes the event if
1152      * no gap was found.
1153      *
1154      * Recall that the Event specification states that if the sequence numbers
1155      * of two successive events differ by only 1, then one can be assured that
1156      * no events were missed. On the other hand, if the difference is greater
1157      * than 1 (the sequence contains a "gap"), then one or more events may -- or
1158      * may not -- have been missed. Thus, if a gap is found in the events,
1159      * although it's possible that no events were missed, this method takes the
1160      * conservative approach by assuming events were missed. When this method
1161      * determines that an event may have been missed, it requests a current
1162      * "snapshot" of the given ServiceRegistrar's state by performing lookup.
1163      * Since this method can safely assume that no events have been missed if it
1164      * finds no gaps in the event sequence, it can safely process the event
1165      * maintaining equivalent state to the registrar, that is finding and
1166      * filtering new services and filtering updated or changed existing
1167      * services.
1168      *
1169      * Note that when a lookup service is discovered, this utility registers
1170      * with that lookup service's event mechanism for service events related to
1171      * the services of interest. Upon registering with the event mechanism, a
1172      * data structure (of type EventReg) containing information about that
1173      * registration is placed in a Map for later processing when events do
1174      * arrive. If the timing is right, it is possible that a service event may
1175      * arrive between the time the registration is made and the time the
1176      * EventReg is stored in the map. Thus, this method may find that the
1177      * eventRegMap does not contain an element corresponding to the event this
1178      * method is currently processing. In that case, this method will do
1179      * nothing. It will simply return so that the service referenced in the
1180      * event can be discovered using the snapshot returned by the lookup method
1181      * that is ultimately c by the RegisterListenerTask (whose listener
1182      * registration caused this method to be invoked in the first place).
1183      */
1184     private void notifyServiceMap(long delta,
1185                                   ServiceID sid,
1186                                   ServiceItem item,
1187                                   int transition,
1188                                   ProxyReg reg) 
1189     {
1190 	/* Look for any gaps in the event sequence. */
1191         if (delta == 1) {
1192             //no gap, handle current event
1193             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
1194                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1195                     Level.FINE, 
1196                     "No gap, handle current ServiceEvent, ServiceID: {0} transition: {1}",
1197                     new Object[]{sid, transition}
1198                 );
1199             }
1200             /* Fix for Bug ID 4378751. The conditions described by that
1201              * bug involve a ServiceItem (corresponding to a previously
1202              * discovered service ID) having a null service field. A
1203              * null service field is due to an UnmarshalException caused
1204              * by a SecurityException that results from the lack of a
1205              * connection permission for the lookup service codebase
1206              * to the service's remote codebase. Skip this ServiceItem,
1207              * otherwise an un-expected serviceRemoved event will result
1208              * because the primary if-block will be unintentionally
1209              * entered due to the null service field in the ServiceItem.
1210              */
1211             if ((item != null) && (item.service == null)) {
1212                 return;
1213             }
1214             /* Handle the event by the transition type, and by whether
1215              * the associated ServiceItem is an old, previously discovered
1216              * item, or a newly discovered item.
1217              */
1218             if (transition == ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_MATCH_NOMATCH) 
1219             {
1220                 handleMatchNoMatch(reg.getProxy(), sid);
1221             } else if (transition == ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_NOMATCH_MATCH 
1222                     || transition == ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_MATCH_MATCH) 
1223             {
1224                 newOldService(reg, sid, item, transition == ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_MATCH_MATCH);
1225             } //endif(transition)
1226             return;
1227         } 
1228         if (delta == 0) {// Repeat event, ignore.
1229             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
1230                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1231                     Level.FINE, 
1232                     "Repeat ServiceEvent, ignore, ServiceID: {0} transition: {1}",
1233                     new Object[]{sid, transition}
1234                 );
1235             }
1236             return;
1237         } 
1238         if (delta < 0) { // Old event, ignore.
1239             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
1240                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1241                     Level.FINE, 
1242                     "Old ServiceEvent, ignore, ServiceID: {0} transition: {1}",
1243                     new Object[]{sid, transition}
1244                 );
1245             }
1246             return;
1247         } 
1248         //gap in event sequence, request snapshot
1249         if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
1250             ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1251                 Level.FINE, 
1252                 "Gap in ServiceEvent sequence, performing lookup, ServiceID: {0} transition: {1}",
1253                 new Object[]{sid, transition}
1254             );
1255         }
1256         lookup(reg);
1257     }
1258     /**
1259      * Requests a "snapshot" of the given registrar's state.
1260      * 
1261      * Lookup is mutually exclusive with events.
1262      */
1263     private void lookup(ProxyReg reg) {
1264         ServiceRegistrar proxy = reg.getProxy();
1265         ServiceItem[] items;
1266         /* For the given lookup, get all services matching the tmpl */
1267         try {
1268             if (useInsecureLookup){
1269                 ServiceMatches matches = proxy.lookup(tmpl, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1270                 items = matches.items;
1271             } else {
1272                 Object [] matches = ((SafeServiceRegistrar) proxy).lookUp(
1273 			tmpl, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1274                 items = processBootStrapProxys(matches);
1275             }
1276         } catch (Exception e) {
1277             // ReRegisterGoodEquals test failure becomes more predictable
1278             // when fail is only called if decrement is successful.
1279   , proxy, this.getClass().getName(), "run", "Exception occurred during call to lookup", bCacheTerminated);
1280             return;
1281         }
1282         if (items == null) {
1283             throw new AssertionError("spec violation in queried lookup service: ServicesMatches instance returned by call to lookup() method contains null 'items' field");
1284         }
1285         /* Should we handle new and old items before cleaning up orphans? */
1286         /* 1. Cleanup "orphaned" itemReg's. */
1287         Iterator<Map.Entry<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg>> iter = serviceIdMap.entrySet().iterator();
1288         while (iter.hasNext()) {
1289             Map.Entry<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg> e =;
1290             ServiceID srvcID = e.getKey();
1291             ServiceItem itemInSnapshot = findItem(srvcID, items);
1292             if (itemInSnapshot != null) continue; //not an orphan
1293             if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return; // skip
1294             DissociateLusCleanUpOrphan dlcl = new DissociateLusCleanUpOrphan(this, reg.getProxy());
1295             serviceIdMap.computeIfPresent(srvcID, dlcl);
1296             if (dlcl.itemRegProxy != null) {
1297                 itemMatchMatchChange(srvcID, dlcl.itmReg, dlcl.itemRegProxy, dlcl.newItem, false);
1298             } else if (dlcl.notify && dlcl.filteredItem != null) {
1299                 removeServiceNotify(dlcl.filteredItem);
1300             }
1301         } //end loop
1302         /* 2. Handle "new" and "old" items from the given lookup */
1303         for (int i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
1304             /* Skip items with null service field (Bug 4378751) */
1305             if (items[i].service == null) {
1306                 continue;
1307             }
1308             if (items[i].serviceID == null  && !useInsecureLookup){
1309                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
1310                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINE, 
1311                         "ServiceItem contained null serviceID field, attempting to retrieve again");
1312                 try {
1313                     ServiceID id = ((ServiceIDAccessor)items[i].service).serviceID();
1314                     // item hasn't been published (shared) yet, safe to mutate.
1315                     if (id == null) continue;
1316                     items[i].serviceID = id;
1317                 } catch ( IOException e){
1318                     if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
1319                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINE, 
1320                             "ServiceItem contained null serviceID field, attempt to retrieve again failed, ignoring",
1321                             e);
1322                     continue;
1323                 }
1324             }
1325             newOldService(reg, items[i].serviceID, items[i], false);
1326         } //end loop
1327     }
1329     /**
1330      * Method used to process the service state ("snapshot"), matching this
1331      * cache's template, retrieved from the given lookup service.
1332      *
1333      * After retrieving the snapshot S, the lookup method calls this method for
1334      * each service referenced in S. This method determines if the given service
1335      * is an already-discovered service (is currently in this cache's
1336      * serviceIdMap), or is a new service. This method handles the service
1337      * differently, depending on whether the service is a new or old.
1338      *
1339      * a. if the item is old, then this method will: - compare the given item
1340      * from the snapshot to the UN-filtered item in given itemReg if(same
1341      * version but attributes have changed) send changed event else if( version
1342      * has changed ) send removed event followed by added event else do nothing
1343      * - apply the filter to the given item if(filter fails) send removed event
1344      * else if(filter passes) set the filtered item in the itemReg in the map
1345      * else if (filter is indefinite) discard item send removed event queue
1346      * another filter attempt for later b. if the given item is newly
1347      * discovered, then this task will: - create a new ServiceItemReg containing
1348      * the given item - place the new itemReg in the serviceIdMap - apply the
1349      * filter to the given item if(filter fails) remove the item from the map
1350      * but send NO removed event else if(filter passes) send added event for the
1351      * FILTERED item else if (filter is indefinite) discard item queue another
1352      * filter attempt for later but send NO removed event
1353      */
1355     private void newOldService(ProxyReg reg, ServiceID id, ServiceItem item, boolean matchMatchEvent) {
1356         if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
1357             ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1358                 Level.FINE, 
1359                 "newOldService called, ServiceItem: {0}",
1360                 new Object[]{item}
1361             );
1362         }
1363         try {
1364             boolean previouslyDiscovered = false;
1365             ServiceItemReg itemReg;
1366             itemReg = serviceIdMap.get(id);
1367             if (itemReg == null) {
1368                 if (!eventRegMap.containsKey(reg)) {
1369                     /* reg must have been discarded, simply return */
1370                     if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
1371                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1372                             Level.FINER, 
1373                             "eventRegMap doesn't contain ProxyReg, returning, ServiceItem: {0}",
1374                             new Object[]{item}
1375                         );
1376                     return;
1377                 } //endif
1378                 // else
1379                 itemReg = new ServiceItemReg(reg.getProxy(), item);
1380                 ServiceItemReg existed = serviceIdMap.putIfAbsent(id, itemReg);
1381                 if (existed != null) {
1382                     itemReg = existed;
1383                     if (itemReg.isDiscarded()) {
1384                         if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)){
1385                             ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1386                                 Level.FINER, 
1387                                 "newOldService, discarded returning, ServiceItem: {0}",
1388                                 new Object[]{item}
1389                             );
1390                         }
1391                         return;
1392                     }
1393                     if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)){
1394                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1395                             Level.FINER, 
1396                             "newOldService, previously discovered, ServiceItem: {0}",
1397                             new Object[]{item}
1398                         );
1399                     }
1400                     previouslyDiscovered = true;
1401                 }
1402             } else if (itemReg.isDiscarded()) {
1403                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)){
1404                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1405                         Level.FINER, 
1406                         "newOldService, discarded returning, ServiceItem: {0}",
1407                         new Object[]{item}
1408                     );
1409                 }
1410                 return;
1411             } else {
1412                  if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)){
1413                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1414                         Level.FINER, 
1415                         "newOldService, previously discovered, ServiceItem: {0}",
1416                         new Object[]{item}
1417                     );
1418                 }
1419                 previouslyDiscovered = true;
1420             }
1421             if (previouslyDiscovered) {
1422                 //a. old, previously discovered item
1423                 itemMatchMatchChange(id, itemReg, reg.getProxy(), item, matchMatchEvent);
1424             } else {
1425                 //b. newly discovered item
1426                 ServiceItem newFilteredItem
1427                         = filterMaybeDiscard(id, itemReg, item, false);
1429                 if (newFilteredItem != null) {
1430                     addServiceNotify(newFilteredItem);
1431                 } //endif
1432             } //endif
1433         } catch (RuntimeException e) {
1434             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
1435                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINE, "Runtime exception thrown in newOldService call", e);
1436         } finally {
1437             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
1438                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINER, 
1439                         "newOldService call complete, ServiceItem: {0}",
1440                         new Object[]{item});
1441         }
1442     }
1444     /**
1445      * Returns the element in the given items array having the given ServiceID.
1446      */
1447     private ServiceItem findItem(ServiceID sid, ServiceItem[] items) {
1448 	if (items != null) {
1449 	    for (int i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; i++) {
1450 		if (sid.equals(items[i].serviceID)) {
1451 		    return items[i];
1452 		}
1453 	    } //end loop
1454 	} //endif
1455 	return null;
1456     } //end LookupCacheImpl.findItem
1458     /**
1459      * With respect to a given service (referenced by the parameter newItem), if
1460      * either an event has been received from the given lookup service
1461      * (referenced by the proxy parameter), or a snapshot of the given lookup
1462      * service's state has been retrieved, this method determines whether the
1463      * service's attributes have changed, or whether a new version of the
1464      * service has been registered. After the appropriate determination has been
1465      * made, this method applies the filter associated with the current cache
1466      * and sends the appropriate local ServiceDiscoveryEvent(s).
1467      *
1468      * This method is called under the following conditions: - when a new lookup
1469      * service is discovered, this method will be called for each previously
1470      * discovered service - when a gap in the events from a previously
1471      * discovered lookup service is discovered, this method will be called for
1472      * each previously discovered service - when a MATCH_MATCH event is
1473      * received, this method will be called for each previously discovered
1474      * service - when a NOMATCH_MATCH event is received, this method will be
1475      * called for each previously discovered service Note that this method is
1476      * never called when a MATCH_NOMATCH event is received; such an event is
1477      * always handled by the handleMatchNoMatch method.
1478      *
1479      * When this method is called, it may send one of the following events or
1480      * combination of events: - a service changed event - a service removed
1481      * event followed by a service added event - a service removed event
1482      *
1483      * A service removed event is sent when the service either fails the filter,
1484      * or the filter produces an indefinite result; in which case, the service
1485      * is also discarded.
1486      *
1487      * A service changed event is sent when the service passes the filter, and
1488      * it is determined that the service's attributes have changed. In this
1489      * case, the old and new service proxies are treated as the same if one of
1490      * the following conditions is met: - this method was called because of the
1491      * receipt of a MATCH_MATCH event - the old and new service proxies are
1492      * byte-wise fully equal (Note that the lookup service specification
1493      * guarantees that the proxies are the same when a MATCH_MATCH event is
1494      * received.)
1495      *
1496      * A service removed event followed by a service added event is sent when
1497      * the service passes the filter, and the conditions for which a service
1498      * changed event would be considered are not met; that is, this method was
1499      * not called because of the receipt of a MATCH_MATCH event; or the old and
1500      * new service proxies are not byte-wise fully equal.
1501      *
1502      * The if-else-block contained in this method implements the logic just
1503      * described. The parameter matchMatchEvent reflects the pertinent event
1504      * state that causes this method to be called. That is, either a MATCH_MATCH
1505      * event was received, or it wasn't, (and if it wasn't, then a full
1506      * byte-wise comparison is performed to determine whether the proxies are
1507      * still the same).
1508      *
1509      * To understand when the 'else' part of the if-else-block is executed,
1510      * consider the following conditions: - there is more than one lookup
1511      * service with which the service registers (ex. LUS-0 and LUS-1) - after
1512      * the service registers with LUS-0, a NOMATCH_MATCH event is received and
1513      * handled (so the service is now known to the cache) - before the service
1514      * registers with LUS-1, the service is replaced with a new version - the
1515      * NOMATCH_MATCH event resulting from the service's registration with LUS-1
1516      * is received BEFORE receiving the MATCH_NOMATCH/NOMATCH_MATCH event
1517      * sequence that will ultimately result from the re-registration of that new
1518      * version with LUS-0 When the above conditions occur, the NOMATCH_MATCH
1519      * event that resulted from the service's registration with LUS-1 will cause
1520      * this method to be invoked and the proxies to be fully compared (because
1521      * the event was not a MATCH_MATCH event); and since the old service proxy
1522      * and the new service proxy will not be fully equal, the else part of the
1523      * if-else-block will be executed.
1524      *
1525      * This method applies the filter only after the above comparisons and
1526      * determinations have been completed.
1527      */
1528     private void itemMatchMatchChange(ServiceID srvcID, ServiceItemReg itemReg, ServiceRegistrar proxy, ServiceItem newItem, boolean matchMatchEvent) {
1529 	/* Save the pre-event state. Update the post-event state after
1530 	 * applying the filter.
1531 	 */
1532         if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
1533             ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1534                 Level.FINE, 
1535                 "itemMatchMatchChange called, ServiceID: {0} ",
1536                 new Object[]{srvcID}
1537             );
1538         }
1539         PreEventState pev = new PreEventState(proxy,itemReg,newItem,matchMatchEvent);
1540         ServiceItem newFilteredItem;
1541         serviceIdMap.computeIfPresent(srvcID, pev);
1542         if (pev.needToFilter){
1543             /* Now apply the filter, and send events if appropriate */
1544             newFilteredItem = filterMaybeDiscard(srvcID, itemReg, newItem, pev.notDiscarded);
1545             if (newFilteredItem != null) {
1546                 /* Passed the filter, okay to send event(s). */
1547                 if (pev.attrsChanged && pev.oldFilteredItem != null) {
1548                     changeServiceNotify(newFilteredItem, pev.oldFilteredItem);
1549                 }
1550                 if (pev.versionChanged) {
1551                     if (pev.notDiscarded && pev.oldFilteredItem != null) {
1552                         removeServiceNotify(pev.oldFilteredItem);
1553                     } //endif
1554                     addServiceNotify(newFilteredItem);
1555                 } //endif
1556             } //endif
1557         }
1558     }
1560     private static class PreEventState implements BiFunction<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg, ServiceItemReg> {
1562         private final ServiceRegistrar proxy;
1563         private final ServiceItemReg reg;
1564         private final ServiceItem newItem;
1565         private final boolean matchMatchEvent;
1566         ServiceItem oldItem;
1567 	ServiceItem oldFilteredItem;
1568 	boolean notDiscarded;
1569 	boolean attrsChanged = false;
1570 	boolean versionChanged = false;
1571         boolean needToFilter = false;
1572 	ServiceRegistrar proxyChanged = null;
1574         PreEventState(ServiceRegistrar proxy, ServiceItemReg reg, ServiceItem newItem, boolean matchMatchEvent){
1575             this.proxy = proxy;
1576             this.reg = reg;
1577             this.newItem = newItem;
1578             this.matchMatchEvent = matchMatchEvent;
1579         }
1581         @Override
1582         public ServiceItemReg apply(ServiceID t, ServiceItemReg itemReg) {
1583             boolean loggable = ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER);
1584             if (! reg.equals(itemReg)) {
1585                 if (loggable)
1586                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1587                         Level.FINER, 
1588                         "PreEventState.apply, ServiceItemReg's not equal, returning. ServiceID: {0}",
1589                         new Object[]{t}
1590                     );
1591                 return itemReg;
1592             }
1593             notDiscarded = !itemReg.isDiscarded();
1594 	    oldItem = itemReg.getItem();
1595 	    oldFilteredItem = itemReg.getFilteredItem();
1596 	    if (itemReg.proxyNotUsedToTrackChange(proxy, newItem)) {
1597 		// not tracking
1598                 if (loggable)
1599                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1600                         Level.FINER, 
1601                         "PreEventState.apply, proxyNotUsedToTrackChange. ServiceID: {0}",
1602                         new Object[]{t}
1603                     );
1604 		if (matchMatchEvent) {
1605                     if (loggable)
1606                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1607                             Level.FINER, 
1608                             "PreEventState.apply, matchMatchEvent true returning. ServiceID: {0}",
1609                             new Object[]{t}
1610                         );
1611 		    return itemReg;
1612 		}
1613 		if (notDiscarded) {
1614                     if (loggable)
1615                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1616                             Level.FINER, 
1617                             "PreEventState.apply, notifyServiceRemoved true returning. ServiceID: {0}",
1618                             new Object[]{t}
1619                         );
1620 		    return itemReg;
1621 		}
1622                 if (loggable)
1623                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1624                         Level.FINER, 
1625                         "PreEventState.apply, proxyChanged = proxy. ServiceID: {0}",
1626                         new Object[]{t}
1627                     );
1628 		proxyChanged = proxy; // start tracking instead
1629 	    } //endif
1630 	    if (!notDiscarded) {
1631                 if (loggable)
1632                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1633                         Level.FINER, 
1634                         "PreEventState.apply, !notifyServiceRemoved, replacProxyUsedToTrackChange ServiceID: {0}",
1635                         new Object[]{t}
1636                     );
1637 		itemReg.replaceProxyUsedToTrackChange(proxyChanged, newItem);
1638 		itemReg.setFilteredItem(null);
1639 		itemReg.discard();
1640 		if (matchMatchEvent) {
1641 		    return itemReg;
1642 		}
1643 	    } //endif
1644 	    /* For an explanation of the logic of the following if-else-block,
1645 	     * refer to the method description above.
1646 	     */
1647 	    if (matchMatchEvent || sameVersion(newItem, oldItem)) {
1648 		if (!notDiscarded) {
1649                     if (loggable)
1650                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1651                             Level.FINER, 
1652                             "PreEventState.apply, matchMatchEvent || sameVersion && !notifyServiceRemoved return itemReg, no need to filter ServiceID: {0}",
1653                             new Object[]{t}
1654                         );
1655 		    return itemReg; 
1656 		}
1657 		/* Same version, determine if the attributes have changed.
1658 		 * But first, replace the new service proxy with the old
1659 		 * service proxy so the client always uses the old proxy
1660 		 * (at least, until the version is changed).
1661 		 */
1662 		//                newItem.service = oldItem.service; //Data race
1663 		/* Now compare attributes */
1664 		attrsChanged = !LookupAttributes.equal(newItem.attributeSets, oldItem.attributeSets);
1665 		if (!attrsChanged) {
1666                     if (loggable)
1667                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1668                             Level.FINER, 
1669                             "PreEventState.apply, matchMatchEvent || sameVersion && !attrsChanged return itemReg, no need to filter ServiceID: {0}",
1670                             new Object[]{t}
1671                         );
1672 		    return itemReg; //no change, no need to filter
1673 		}
1674 	    } else {
1675 		//(!matchMatchEvent && !same version) ==> re-registration
1676                 if (loggable)
1677                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1678                         Level.FINER, 
1679                         "PreEventState.apply, !matchMatchEvent &&! sameVersion ==> re-registrattion, versionChanged. ServiceID: {0}",
1680                         new Object[]{t}
1681                     );
1682 		versionChanged = true;
1683 	    } //endif
1684             if (loggable)
1685                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1686                     Level.FINER, 
1687                     "PreEventState.apply, need to filter true. ServiceID: {0}",
1688                     new Object[]{t}
1689                 );
1690             needToFilter = true;
1691             return itemReg;
1692         }
1694     }
1696     /**
1697      * Convenience method that performs a byte-wise comparison, including
1698      * codebases, of the services referenced by the given service items, and
1699      * returns the result. Since instances of RemoteMethodControl may
1700      * have different MethodConstraints and these affect marshaled bytes, we
1701      * ensure constraints are identical.
1702      * 
1703      * If the services cannot be compared, it is assumed
1704      * that the versions are not the same, and <code>false</code> is returned.
1705      */
1706     private static boolean sameVersion(ServiceItem item0, ServiceItem item1) {
1707 	boolean fullyEqual = false;
1708 	try {
1709 	    Object service0 = item0.service;
1710 	    Object service1 = item1.service;
1711 	    if (service0 instanceof RemoteMethodControl 
1712 		    && service1 instanceof RemoteMethodControl)
1713 	    {
1714 		MethodConstraints constraints = ((RemoteMethodControl)service0).getConstraints();
1715 		service1 = ((RemoteMethodControl) service1).setConstraints(constraints);
1716 	    }
1717 	    MarshalledInstance mi0 = new MarshalledInstance(service0);
1718 	    MarshalledInstance mi1 = new MarshalledInstance(service1);
1719 	    fullyEqual = mi0.fullyEquals(mi1);
1720 	} catch (IOException e) {
1721             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)){
1722                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1723                     Level.INFO, 
1724                     "failure marshalling old and new services for equality check",
1725                     e
1726                 );
1727             }
1728 	}
1729 	return fullyEqual;
1730     } //end LookupCacheImpl.sameVersion
1732     /**
1733      * Gets the remaining time left on the current cache's "lifespan".
1734      */
1735     public long getLeaseDuration() {
1736 	if (leaseDuration == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
1737 	    return Long.MAX_VALUE;
1738 	}
1739 	return leaseDuration + startTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
1740     } //end LookupCacheImpl.getLeaseDuration
1742     /**
1743      * Sends a notification to all listeners when a ServiceItem has been added.
1744      */
1745     private void addServiceNotify(ServiceItem item) {
1746 	serviceNotifyDo(null, item, ITEM_ADDED);
1747     } //end LookupCacheImpl.addServiceNotify
1749     /**
1750      * Sends a notification to the given listener when a ServiceItem has been
1751      * added.
1752      */
1753     private void addServiceNotify(ServiceItem item, ServiceDiscoveryListener srvcListener) {
1754 	eventNotificationExecutor.execute(new ServiceNotifyDo(null, item, ITEM_ADDED, srvcListener, this));
1755 	if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
1756 	    try {
1757 		throw new Exception("Back Trace");
1758 	    } catch (Exception ex) {
1759 		ex.fillInStackTrace();
1760                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1761                     Level.FINEST, 
1762                     "Log back trace",
1763                     ex
1764                 );
1765 	    }
1766 	}
1767     } //end LookupCacheImpl.addServiceNotify
1769     /**
1770      * Sends a notification when a ServiceItem has been removed.
1771      */
1772     private void removeServiceNotify(ServiceItem item) {
1773 	serviceNotifyDo(item, null, ITEM_REMOVED);
1774     } //end LookupCacheImpl.removeServiceNotify
1776     /**
1777      * Sends a notification when a ServiceItem has been changed, but still
1778      * matches.
1779      */
1780     private void changeServiceNotify(ServiceItem newItem, ServiceItem oldItem) {
1781 	serviceNotifyDo(oldItem, newItem, ITEM_CHANGED);
1782     } //end LookupCacheImpl.changeServiceNotify
1784     /**
1785      * Common code for performing service notification to all listeners.
1786      */
1787     private void serviceNotifyDo(ServiceItem oldItem, ServiceItem item, int action) {
1788         sItemListenersRead.lock();
1789         try {
1790 	    if (sItemListeners.isEmpty()) {
1791 		return;
1792 	    }
1793 	    Iterator<ServiceDiscoveryListener> iter = sItemListeners.iterator();
1794 	    while (iter.hasNext()) {
1795 		ServiceDiscoveryListener sl =;
1796 		eventNotificationExecutor.execute(new ServiceNotifyDo(oldItem, item, action, sl, this));
1797 		if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
1798 		    try {
1799 			throw new Exception("Back Trace");
1800 		    } catch (Exception ex) {
1801 			ex.fillInStackTrace();
1802                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1803                             Level.FINEST, 
1804                             "Log back trace",
1805                             ex
1806                         );
1807 		    }
1808 		}
1809 	    } //end loop
1810 	} finally {
1811             sItemListenersRead.unlock();
1812         }
1813     } //end LookupCacheImpl.serviceNotifyDo
1815     /**
1816      * Common code for performing service notification to one listener in an
1817      * executor task thread.
1818      */
1819     private static class ServiceNotifyDo implements Runnable {
1821 	final ServiceItem oldItem;
1822 	final ServiceItem item;
1823 	final int action;
1824 	final ServiceDiscoveryListener sl;
1825 	final Object lookupCache;
1827 	ServiceNotifyDo(ServiceItem oldItem, ServiceItem item, int action, ServiceDiscoveryListener sl, LookupCache lookupCache) {
1828 	    this.oldItem = oldItem;
1829 	    this.item = item;
1830 	    this.action = action;
1831 = sl;
1832 	    this.lookupCache = lookupCache;
1833 	}
1835 	@Override
1836 	public void run() {
1837 	    ServiceDiscoveryEvent event;
1838 	    try {
1839 		event = new ServiceDiscoveryEvent(lookupCache, oldItem, item);
1840 	    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
1841 		boolean lookupCacheNull = lookupCache == null;
1842 		boolean oldItemNull = oldItem == null;
1843 		boolean itemNull = item == null;
1844                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO))
1845                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
1846                         Level.INFO, 
1847                         "ServiceDiscoveryEvent constructor threw NullPointerException, lookupCache null? {0} oldItem null? {1} item null? {2}",
1848                         new Object[]{lookupCacheNull, oldItemNull, itemNull}
1849                     );
1850 		return;
1851 	    }
1852 	    switch (action) {
1853 		case ITEM_ADDED:
1854 		    sl.serviceAdded(event);
1855 		    break;
1856 		case ITEM_REMOVED:
1857 		    sl.serviceRemoved(event);
1858 		    break;
1859 		case ITEM_CHANGED:
1860 		    sl.serviceChanged(event);
1861 		    break;
1862 		default:
1863 		    throw new IllegalArgumentException("case must be one of the following: ITEM_ADDED, ITEM_REMOVED or ITEM_CHANGED");
1864 	    } //end switch(action)
1865 	}
1866     }
1868     void initCache() throws RemoteException {
1869 	/* Get the exporter for the remote event listener from the
1870 	 * configuration.
1871 	 */
1872 	try {
1873 	    Exporter defaultExporter = 
1874                 new BasicJeriExporter(TcpServerEndpoint.getInstance(0),
1875                     new AtomicILFactory(null, null, LookupCacheImpl.class.getClassLoader()),
1876 		    false,
1877 		    false
1878                 );
1879 	    lookupListenerExporter = 
1880                 sdm.thisConfig.getEntry(
1881                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.COMPONENT_NAME,
1882                     "eventListenerExporter",
1883                     Exporter.class, 
1884                     defaultExporter
1885                 );
1886 	} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
1887 	    // exception, use default
1888 	    ExportException e1 = new ExportException("Configuration exception while " + "retrieving exporter for " + "cache's remote event listener", e);
1889 	    throw e1;
1890 	}
1891 	/*
1892 	 * Executor dedicated to event notification.
1893 	 */
1894 	try {
1895 	    eventNotificationExecutor = 
1896                 sdm.thisConfig.getEntry(
1897                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.COMPONENT_NAME,
1898                     "eventNotificationExecutor",
1899                     ExecutorService.class
1900                 );
1901 	} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
1902 	    /* use default */
1903 	    eventNotificationExecutor = 
1904                     new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1, 15L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 
1905                             new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(),
1906                             new NamedThreadFactory("SDM event notifier: " + toString(), false),
1907                             new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());
1908 	}
1909 	/* Get a general-purpose task manager for this cache from the
1910 	 * configuration. This task manager will be used to manage the
1911 	 * various tasks executed by this instance of the lookup cache.
1912 	 */
1913 	try {
1914 	    cacheTaskMgr = sdm.thisConfig.getEntry(
1915                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.COMPONENT_NAME,
1916                     "cacheExecutorService",
1917                     ExecutorService.class
1918             );
1919 	} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
1920 	    /* use default */
1921 	    cacheTaskMgr = new ThreadPoolExecutor(3, 3, 15L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
1922                     new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(),
1923                     new NamedThreadFactory("SDM lookup cache: " + toString(), false),
1924                     new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy()
1925             );
1926 	}
1927 	cacheTaskMgr = new ExtensibleExecutorService(cacheTaskMgr, new ExtensibleExecutorService.RunnableFutureFactory() {
1928 	    @Override
1929 	    public <T> RunnableFuture<T> newTaskFor(Runnable r, T value) {
1930 		if (r instanceof ObservableFutureTask) {
1931 		    return (RunnableFuture<T>) r;
1932 		}
1933 		return new CacheTaskWrapper<T>(r, value);
1934 	    }
1936 	    @Override
1937 	    public <T> RunnableFuture<T> newTaskFor(Callable<T> c) {
1938 		if (c instanceof ObservableFutureTask) {
1939 		    return (RunnableFuture<T>) c;
1940 		}
1941 		return new CacheTaskWrapper<T>(c);
1942 	    }
1943 	});
1944 	cacheTaskDepMgr = new CacheTaskDependencyManager(cacheTaskMgr);
1945 	/* Get a special-purpose task manager for this cache from the
1946 	 * configuration. That Executor will be used to manage the
1947 	 * various instances of the special-purpose task, executed by
1948 	 * this instance of the lookup cache, that waits on verification
1949 	 * events after a previousy discovered service has been discarded.
1950 	 */
1951 	try {
1952 	    serviceDiscardTimerTaskMgr = 
1953                 sdm.thisConfig.getEntry(
1954                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.COMPONENT_NAME,
1955                     "discardExecutorService",
1956                     ScheduledExecutorService.class
1957                 );
1958 	} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
1959 	    /* use default */
1960 	    serviceDiscardTimerTaskMgr = 
1961                 new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(
1962                     4,
1963                     new NamedThreadFactory("SDM discard timer: " + toString(), false)
1964                 );
1965 	}
1966         /* ExecutorService for processing incoming events.
1967          * 
1968          */
1969         try {
1970             incomingEventExecutor = sdm.thisConfig.getEntry(
1971                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.COMPONENT_NAME, 
1972                 "ServiceEventExecutorService", 
1973                 ExecutorService.class
1974             );
1975         } catch (ConfigurationException e){
1976             incomingEventExecutor = 
1977                 new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1, 15L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
1978                     new PriorityBlockingQueue(256),
1979                     new NamedThreadFactory("SDM ServiceEvent: " + toString(), false),
1980                     new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardOldestPolicy()
1981                 );
1982         }
1983         incomingEventExecutor = new ExtensibleExecutorService(incomingEventExecutor,
1984             new ExtensibleExecutorService.RunnableFutureFactory()
1985             {
1987                 @Override
1988                 public <T> RunnableFuture<T> newTaskFor(Runnable r, T value) {
1989                     return new ComparableFutureTask<T>(r,value);
1990                 }
1992                 @Override
1993                 public <T> RunnableFuture<T> newTaskFor(Callable<T> c) {
1994                     return new ComparableFutureTask<T>(c);
1995                 }
1997             }
1998         );
1999 	// Moved here from constructor to avoid publishing this reference
2000 	lookupListenerProxy = lookupListener.export();
2001         sdm.proxyRegSetRead.lock();
2002         try {
2003             Iterator<ProxyReg> it = sdm.proxyRegSet.iterator();
2004             while (it.hasNext()) {
2005                 addProxyReg(;
2006             }
2007         } finally {
2008             sdm.proxyRegSetRead.unlock();
2009         }
2011     } //end LookupCacheImpl.initCache
2013     /**
2014      * This enables a BlockingPriorityQueue to arrange tasks in an
2015      * ExecutorService.
2016      * 
2017      * @param <V> 
2018      */
2019     private static class ComparableFutureTask<V> extends FutureTask<V> 
2020                                 implements Comparable<ComparableFutureTask> 
2021     {
2023         private final Object task;
2025         public ComparableFutureTask(Runnable runnable, V result) {
2026             super(runnable, result);
2027             task = runnable;
2028         }
2030         public ComparableFutureTask(Callable<V> callable){
2031             super(callable);
2032             task = callable;
2033         }
2035         @Override
2036         public int compareTo(ComparableFutureTask o) {
2037             if (task instanceof Comparable && o.task instanceof Comparable){
2038                 return ((Comparable)task).compareTo(o.task);
2039             }
2040             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
2041                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
2042                     Level.FINEST, 
2043                     "task not instanceof Comparable {0}",
2044                     new Object [] {task.getClass().getCanonicalName()}
2045                 );
2046             return 0;
2047         }
2049 	@Override
2050 	public int hashCode() {
2051 	    int hash = 3;
2052 	    hash = 89 * hash + (this.task != null ? this.task.hashCode() : 0);
2053 	    return hash;
2054 	}
2056 	@Override
2057 	public boolean equals(Object o){
2058 	    if (!(o instanceof ComparableFutureTask)) return false;
2059 	    return this.task.equals(((ComparableFutureTask)o).task);
2060 	}
2062     }
2064     /**
2065      * Applies the first-stage <code>filter</code> associated with the current
2066      * instance of <code>LookupCache</code> to the given <code>item</code> and
2067      * returns the resulting filtered item if the <code>filter</code> is passed
2068      * (or is <code>null</code>); otherwise, returns <code>null</code> and sends
2069      * a service removed event if the <code>sendEvent</code> parameter is
2070      * <code>true</code>.
2071      * <p>
2072      * This method is called only when the <code>item</code> to be filtered
2073      * corresponds to an element that currently exists in the
2074      * <code>serviceIdMap</code>.
2075      * <p>
2076      * As described in the <code>ServiceItemFilter</code> specification, when
2077      * the <code>item</code> passes the <code>filter</code>, the
2078      * <code>service</code> field of the <code>item</code> is replaced with the
2079      * filtered form of the object previously contained in that field. In this
2080      * case, the <code>filteredItem</code> field of the corresponding
2081      * <code>ServiceItemReg</code> element of the <code>serviceIdMap</code> is
2082      * set to this new filtered item.
2083      * <p>
2084      * If the <code>filter</code> returns <code>indefinite</code>, then that
2085      * specification states that the <code>service</code> field is replaced with
2086      * <code>null</code>. In this case, the <code>filteredItem</code> field of
2087      * the corresponding <code>ServiceItemReg</code> element of the
2088      * <code>serviceIdMap</code> is left unchanged.
2089      */
2090     private ServiceItem filterMaybeDiscard(ServiceID srvcID, ServiceItemReg itemReg, ServiceItem item, boolean sendEvent) {
2091         if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
2092             ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
2093                 Level.FINE,
2094                 "filterMaybeDiscard called, ServiceID: {0}", 
2095                 new Object [] {srvcID}
2096             );
2097 	if ((item == null) || (item.service == null)) {
2098             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
2099                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
2100                     Level.FINER,
2101                     "filterMaybeDiscard, item or service was null, returning null, ServiceID: {0}", 
2102                     new Object []{srvcID}
2103                 );
2104 	    return null;
2105 	}
2106         boolean addFilteredItemToMap = false;
2107         /* Make a copy to filter because the filter may modify it. */
2108         ServiceItem filteredItem = item.clone();
2109         boolean discardRetryLater = false;
2110         boolean pass = false;
2111 	if (filter == null) {
2112             pass = true;
2113 	    if (useInsecureLookup){
2114                 addFilteredItemToMap = true;
2115 	    } else {
2116 		try {
2117 		    filteredItem.service =
2118 			    ((ServiceProxyAccessor) filteredItem.service).getServiceProxy();
2119                     addFilteredItemToMap = true;
2120 		} catch (RemoteException ex) {
2121                     if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
2122                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINE,
2123 			    "Exception thrown while trying to download service proxy",
2124 			    ex
2125                         );
2126                     discardRetryLater = true;
2127 		}
2128 	    }
2129 	} else { 
2130             if (useInsecureLookup){
2131                 pass = filter.check(filteredItem);
2132             } else {
2133                 try {
2134                     pass = filter.check(filteredItem);
2135                 } catch (SecurityException ex){ 
2136                     try {
2137                         // Filter didn't expect bootstrap proxy
2138                         filteredItem.service = ((ServiceProxyAccessor) filteredItem.service).getServiceProxy();
2139                         pass = filter.check(filteredItem);
2140                     } catch (RemoteException ex1) {
2141                         if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
2142                             ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINE, 
2143                                 "Exception thrown while trying to download service proxy",
2144                                 ex1
2145                             );
2146                         discardRetryLater = true;
2147                     }
2148                 } catch (ClassCastException ex){
2149 		    try {
2150                         // Filter didn't expect bootstrap proxy
2151                         filteredItem.service = ((ServiceProxyAccessor) filteredItem.service).getServiceProxy();
2152                         pass = filter.check(filteredItem);
2153                     } catch (RemoteException ex1) {
2154                         if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
2155                             ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINE, 
2156                                 "Exception thrown while trying to download service proxy",
2157                                 ex1
2158                             );
2159                         discardRetryLater = true;
2160                     }
2161 		}
2162             }
2163             /* Handle filter pass */
2164             if (pass && !discardRetryLater && filteredItem.service != null) {
2165                 addFilteredItemToMap = true;
2166                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
2167                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINER, 
2168                         "filterMaybeDiscard, filter passed, ServiceID: {0}", 
2169                         new Object[]{srvcID}
2170                     );
2171             } //endif(pass)
2172         }//endif
2173         PostEventState pes = 
2174                 new PostEventState(this, itemReg, item, filteredItem, sendEvent,
2175                         pass, discardRetryLater, addFilteredItemToMap, sdm.getDiscardWait());
2176         serviceIdMap.computeIfPresent(srvcID, pes);
2177         if (pes.notifyRemoved && pes.oldFilteredItem != null) {
2178             removeServiceNotify(pes.oldFilteredItem);
2179         }
2180         if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
2181             ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINER, 
2182                 "filterMaybeDiscard, returning filtered ServiceItem: {0}",
2183                 new Object []{pes.filteredItemPass}
2184             );
2185 	return pes.filteredItemPass;
2186     } //end LookupCacheImpl.filterMaybeDiscard
2188     private static class PostEventState implements BiFunction<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg, ServiceItemReg> {
2190         ServiceItem filteredItemPass;
2191         ServiceItem oldFilteredItem = null;
2192         final ServiceItem item;
2193         final ServiceItem filteredItem;
2194         final boolean pass;
2195         final boolean discardRetryLater;
2196         final boolean sendEvent;
2197         final boolean addFilteredItemToMap;
2198         boolean notifyRemoved = false;
2199         final ServiceItemReg expected;
2200         final LookupCacheImpl cache;
2201         final long discardWait;
2203         PostEventState(LookupCacheImpl cache, ServiceItemReg itemReg,
2204                 ServiceItem item, ServiceItem filteredItem, boolean sendEvent,
2205                 boolean pass, boolean discardRetryLater,
2206                 boolean addFilteredItemToMap, long discardWait)
2207         {
2208             this.cache = cache;
2209             this.expected = itemReg;
2210             this.item = item;
2211             this.filteredItem = filteredItem;
2212             this.sendEvent = sendEvent;
2213             this.pass = pass;
2214             this.discardRetryLater = discardRetryLater;
2215             this.addFilteredItemToMap = addFilteredItemToMap;
2216             this.discardWait = discardWait;
2217         }
2219         @Override
2220         public ServiceItemReg apply(ServiceID id, ServiceItemReg itemReg) {
2221             if (!expected.equals(itemReg)) return itemReg;
2222             ServiceItemReg removeIfNull = itemReg;
2223             /* Handle filter fail */
2224             if (!pass && !discardRetryLater) {
2225                 if (itemReg != null) {
2226                     if (sendEvent) {
2227                         oldFilteredItem = itemReg.getFilteredItem();
2228                         notifyRemoved = true;
2229                         removeIfNull = null;
2230                     } else {
2231                         removeIfNull = null;
2232                     } //endif
2233                 } //endif
2234                 filteredItemPass = null;
2235             } //endif(fail)
2236             if (addFilteredItemToMap){
2237                 /**
2238                  * Replaces the <code>item</code> field of itemReg
2239                  * with the given <code>item</code> parameter; and sets the
2240                  * <code>filteredItem</code> field of itemReg to the value contained in
2241                  * the <code>filteredItem</code> parameter.
2242                  */
2243                 cache.cancelDiscardTask(id);
2244                 itemReg.replaceProxyUsedToTrackChange(null, item);
2245                 itemReg.setFilteredItem(filteredItem);
2246                 filteredItemPass = filteredItem;
2247             }
2248             /* Handle filter indefinite */
2249             if (discardRetryLater){
2250                 /**
2251                  * Sets a service
2252                  * removed event, and queues a <code>ServiceDiscardTimerTask</code> to retry
2253                  * the filter at a later time.
2254                  * If there's been any change in what is being discarded for
2255                  * filter retry, then update the item field in the map to
2256                  * capture that change; and set the filteredItem field to
2257                  * to null to guarantee that the filter is re-applied to
2258                  * that changed item.
2259                  */
2260                 if (itemReg.discard()) {
2261                     itemReg.replaceProxyUsedToTrackChange(null, item);
2262                     itemReg.setFilteredItem(null);
2263                     Future f = cache.serviceDiscardTimerTaskMgr.schedule(
2264                             new ServiceDiscardTimerTask(cache, item.serviceID),
2265                             discardWait,
2266                             TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
2267                     );
2268                     cache.serviceDiscardFutures.put(item.serviceID, f);
2269                     if (sendEvent) {
2270                         notifyRemoved = true;
2271                     }
2272                 }
2273             }
2274             return removeIfNull;
2275         }
2277     }
2279     /**
2280      * Convenience method called (only when a TRANSITION_MATCH_NOMATCH event is
2281      * received) that removes the given <code>item</code> from the
2282      * <code>serviceIdMap</code> and wakes up the
2283      * <code>ServiceDiscardTimerTask</code> if the given <code>item</code> is
2284      * discarded; otherwise, sends a removed event.
2285      */
2286     private void handleMatchNoMatch(ServiceRegistrar proxy, ServiceID srvcID) {
2287         if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
2288             ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINER, 
2289                 "handleMatchNoMatch called, ServiceID: {0}",
2290                 new Object []{srvcID}
2291             );
2292         DissociateLusCleanUpOrphan dlcl = new DissociateLusCleanUpOrphan(this, proxy);
2293         serviceIdMap.computeIfPresent(srvcID, dlcl);
2294         if (dlcl.itemRegProxy != null) {
2295             itemMatchMatchChange(srvcID, dlcl.itmReg, dlcl.itemRegProxy, dlcl.newItem, false);
2296         } else if (dlcl.notify && dlcl.filteredItem != null) {
2297             removeServiceNotify(dlcl.filteredItem);
2298         }
2299     } //end LookupCacheImpl.handleMatchNoMatch
2301     /**
2302      * Atomic block of code.
2303      */
2304     private static class DissociateLusCleanUpOrphan 
2305              implements BiFunction<ServiceID, ServiceItemReg, ServiceItemReg> 
2306      {
2308         final LookupCacheImpl cache;
2309         boolean notify;
2310         final ServiceRegistrar proxy;
2311         ServiceRegistrar itemRegProxy;
2312         ServiceItemReg itmReg;
2313         ServiceItem newItem;
2314         ServiceItem filteredItem;
2316         DissociateLusCleanUpOrphan(LookupCacheImpl cache, ServiceRegistrar proxy){
2317             this.itmReg = null;
2318             this.notify = false;
2319             this.itemRegProxy = null;
2320             this.cache = cache;
2321             this.proxy = proxy;
2322             this.newItem = null;
2323             this.filteredItem = null;
2324         }
2326         @Override
2327         public ServiceItemReg apply(ServiceID srvcID, ServiceItemReg itemReg) {
2328             itmReg = itemReg;
2329             newItem = itemReg.removeProxy(proxy);
2330             filteredItem = itemReg.getFilteredItem();
2331             if (newItem != null) {
2332                 itemRegProxy = itemReg.getProxy();
2333             } 
2334             /**
2335              *
2336              */
2337             else if (itemReg.hasNoProxys()) {
2338                 if (itemReg.isDiscarded()) {
2339                     /* Remove item from map and wake up the discard task */
2340                     itmReg = null;
2341                     cache.cancelDiscardTask(srvcID);
2342                 } else {
2343                     //remove item from map and send removed event
2344                     notify = true;
2345                     itmReg = null;
2346                 } //endif
2347             } //endif
2348             return itmReg;
2349         }
2350     }
2352     /**
2353      * Wake up service discard task if running, else remove from mgr.
2354      */
2355     private void cancelDiscardTask(ServiceID sid) {
2356 	// Might need to record future's and cancel from there.
2357 	Future task = serviceDiscardFutures.get(sid);
2358 	if (task != null) {
2359 	    task.cancel(true);
2360 	}
2361     } //end LookupCacheImpl.cancelDiscardTask
2363     /**
2364      *      
2365      */
2366     final static class CacheTaskDependencyManager implements FutureObserver {
2368 	// CacheTasks pending completion.
2370 	private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<CacheTaskWrapper> pending;
2371 	private final ExecutorService executor;
2373 	CacheTaskDependencyManager(ExecutorService e) {
2374 	    this.pending = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<CacheTaskWrapper>();
2375 	    executor = e;
2376 	}
2378 	CacheTaskWrapper submit(Runnable t) {
2379 	    CacheTaskWrapper future = new CacheTaskWrapper(t, null);
2380 	    pending.offer(future);
2381 	    future.addObserver(this);
2382 	    if (t instanceof CacheTask && ((CacheTask) t).hasDeps()) {
2383 		List<FutureObserver.ObservableFuture> deps = new LinkedList<FutureObserver.ObservableFuture>();
2384 		Iterator<CacheTaskWrapper> it = pending.iterator();
2385 		while (it.hasNext()) {
2386 		    CacheTaskWrapper w =;
2387 		    Object c = w.getTask();
2388 		    if (c instanceof CacheTask && ((CacheTask) t).dependsOn((CacheTask) c)) {
2389 			deps.add(w);
2390 		    }
2391 		}
2392 		if (deps.isEmpty()) {
2393 		    executor.submit(future);
2394                     if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
2395                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
2396                             Level.FINEST, 
2397                             "ServiceDiscoveryManager {0} submitted to executor task queue",
2398                             new Object []{t.toString()}
2399                         );
2400 		} else {
2401 		    DependencyLinker linker = new DependencyLinker(executor, deps, future);
2402 		    linker.register();
2403                     if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
2404                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
2405                                 Level.FINEST, 
2406                                 "ServiceDiscoveryManager {0} registered dependencies", 
2407                                 new Object [] {t.toString()}
2408                         );
2409 		}
2410 	    } else {
2411 		executor.submit(future);
2412                 if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
2413                     ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(Level.FINEST, 
2414                         "ServiceDiscoveryManager {0} submitted to executor task queue",
2415                         new Object []{t.toString()}
2416                     );
2417 	    }
2418 	    return future;
2419 	}
2421 	@Override
2422 	public void futureCompleted(Future e) {
2423 	    pending.remove(e);
2424 	    Object t;
2425 	    if (e instanceof CacheTaskWrapper) {
2426 		t = ((CacheTaskWrapper) e).getTask();
2427 	    } else {
2428 		t = e;
2429 	    }
2430             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
2431                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
2432                     Level.FINEST,
2433                     "ServiceDiscoveryManager {0} completed execution", 
2434                     new Object[]{t.toString()}
2435                 );
2436 	}
2438 	/**
2439 	 * Removes from the cache's task queue, all pending tasks associated
2440 	 * with the given ProxyReg. This method is called when the given
2441 	 * ProxyReg has been discarded.
2442 	 */
2443 	void removeUselessTask(ProxyReg reg) {
2444 	    Iterator<CacheTaskWrapper> it = pending.iterator();
2445 	    while (it.hasNext()) {
2446 		CacheTaskWrapper w =;
2447 		Object t = w.getTask();
2448 		if (t instanceof CacheTask && ((CacheTask) t).isFromProxy(reg)) {
2449 		    w.cancel(true); // Also causes task to be removed
2450                     if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
2451                         ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
2452                             Level.FINEST,
2453                             "ServiceDiscoveryManager {0} cancelled", 
2454                             new Object[]{t.toString()}
2455                         );
2456 		}
2457 	    } //end loop
2458 	} //end LookupCacheImpl.removeUselessTask
2460     }
2462     /**
2463      * ObservableFuture wrapper class for CacheTask's.
2464      *
2465      * @param <T>
2466      */
2467     final static class CacheTaskWrapper<T> extends ObservableFutureTask<T> {
2469 	private final Object task;
2471 	CacheTaskWrapper(Runnable r, T result) {
2472 	    super(r, result);
2473 	    task = r;
2474 	}
2476 	CacheTaskWrapper(Callable<T> c) {
2477 	    super(c);
2478 	    task = c;
2479 	}
2481 	Object getTask() {
2482 	    return task;
2483 	}
2485     }
2487     /**
2488      * Class for implementing register/lookup/notify/dropProxy/discard tasks
2489      */
2490     abstract static class CacheTask implements Runnable {
2492 	protected final ProxyReg reg;
2493 	protected volatile long thisTaskSeqN;
2495 	protected CacheTask(ProxyReg reg, long seqN) {
2496 	    this.reg = reg;
2497 	    this.thisTaskSeqN = seqN;
2498             if (ServiceDiscoveryManager.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
2499                 ServiceDiscoveryManager.log(
2500                     Level.FINEST,
2501                     "ServiceDiscoveryManager {0} constructed", 
2502                     new Object[]{toString()}
2503                 );
2504 	} //end constructor
2505 	/* check if the task is on a specific ProxyReg, return true if it is */
2507 	public boolean isFromProxy(ProxyReg reg) {
2508 	    if (this.reg == null) {
2509 		return false;
2510 	    }
2511 	    return (this.reg).equals(reg);
2512 	} //end isFromProxy
2514 	/**
2515 	 * Returns the ProxyReg associated with this task (if any).
2516 	 */
2517 	public ProxyReg getProxyReg() {
2518 	    return reg;
2519 	} //end ProxyReg
2521 	/**
2522 	 * Returns the unique sequence number of this task.
2523 	 */
2524 	public long getSeqN() {
2525 	    return thisTaskSeqN;
2526 	} //end getSeqN
2528 	public abstract boolean hasDeps();
2530 	public boolean dependsOn(CacheTask task) {
2531 	    return false;
2532 	}
2533     } //end class CacheTask
2534 }